When the dollar is the protocol of the money



Photo by Paolo Gregotti on Unsplash

Today’s financial crisis has exposed some of the more fundamental flaws in our current understanding of finance, and the measures we take to manage it. The currencies they use to trade their debt have lost value against their competitors, leading to a new level of stress for financial institutions. To make matters worse, this is not the first time that the dollar has been used as the currency of international trade. In fact, since its inception, the dollar has served as the international standard currency for commerce and payments. The US was the world’s first country to decide on its own how to implement money into its economy and society, with the adoption of ‘The Paper Dollar’ in 1792. Today’s global economy demands closer ties between nations and greater accountability from governments on how they spend their limited resources. The dollar as a medium of exchange has historically played an essential role in enabling trade with other countries. But at this current moment in history, there is too much at stake for central banks to ignore it any longer. As a result, central banks around the world are exploring innovative solutions to transform their economies through the use of digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

What is a currency?

Currency is a medium of exchange used as a medium of payment. It is made up of metal or…

