Raymond “Joe.Raemond” Joseph
Published in
6 min readDec 23, 2023


For Noobs and Newbies

Now…you might be new to the world of Web3, where decentralized technologies are reshaping the landscape of the internet. If you have many questions that deserve answers, this article is for you.

You remember when the world marveled at cellphones? The idea of “www”? Those were landmark moments in our living history and even till now, some people still haven't realized the full potential of mobile phones…

Imagine how hard life could turn out to be when you are still working your way around a mobile phone and then everyone starts talking about “Web3”...

That’s why I’m here.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or someone just dipping their toes into the blockchain waters, I created this short guide to serve as your compass in helping you navigate the vast possibilities that Web3 offers.

Embracing the Decentralized Ecosystem

Before you embark on this journey, you have to grasp the fundamentals of Web3. Blockchain, the backbone of Web3, is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology. Start by exploring how it works, its consensus mechanisms, and the concept of smart contracts.

These are all topics we should have in-depth discussions on and I will create separate articles for each one of them. So make sure to subscribe and keep yourself in the loop.

One of the first trips you get when onboarding into Web3 as a newbie is the atmosphere you experience when setting up your wallet. This could either be really exciting or just annoying…

Get hands-on experience by setting up a cryptocurrency wallet. Popular choices include MetaMask, CoinEx, Bitget, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet…you name them. There are a lot these days but you should start by working with the popular ones.

Familiarize yourself with common cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), as they play a pivotal role in the Web3 ecosystem. Lately, Solana and Cardano have joined this list, so you might want to get familiar with those cryptocurrencies too.

Another area of important consideration in Web3 is the job space. As much as buying and selling crypto takes the spotlight in every crypto-related discussion, the work behind the scenes cannot be overlooked. There are various jobs you can get in Web3…just like Web2.

I believe that anything you can do on Web2 can be transferred to Web3…it just depends on 2 things; your level of skill and strength/size of your community. If you have these 2 in the bag, then onboarding from Web2 to Web3 shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Web3 is a goldmine for developers. If you are one then you should dive into smart contract development, decentralized application (DApp) creation, and blockchain protocol building. Platforms like Ethereum, Polkadot, and Solana are hotbeds for such opportunities.

On these platforms, there are a lot of projects that are launching. These projects will require their own communities and that opens room for job opportunities in these communities. One with basic social or community managing skills can get in early on such projects and secure a job pretty easily.

Join Web3 communities on platforms like Discord and Telegram. Actively participate in discussions, seek guidance, and stay updated on industry trends. In the little pockets of discussions, you could find a window to help moderate on these platforms and you never know…someone could just hit your dm and ask if you're ready to get paid for your services on a weekly/monthly basis.

Networking is crucial in this dynamic space, and connecting with like-minded enthusiasts can open doors to exciting opportunities. One of the first Web3 Jobs I had came from just discussing during a gaming session and the rest was history.

Unlocking Financial Possibilities

Now this to me should be the most important and I placed this towards the end so you could remember this first. One needs to understand DeFi to even do anything in Web3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is revolutionizing traditional finance. You need to understand concepts like liquidity pools, yield farming, and centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). Platforms such as Uniswap, Aave, and Compound are essential stops on your DeFi exploration.

You might also want to experiment with yield farming to earn passive income by providing liquidity to decentralized protocols. Explore staking, where you can lock up your crypto assets to support the network and earn rewards. Down the years, millionaires have been made from staking for long periods. You can say it's a game of patience we play here.

Real-life Experiences and Learning

Immerse yourself in real-world projects through hackathons. Platforms like Bitget, Gitcoin and ETHGlobal regularly host events that allow you to collaborate with teams and showcase your skills. It's a fantastic way to gain practical experience. Lately there has been a surge of such events on Bitget so if you feel like you trust your wits and skill, give it a go!

NFTs also play a big part in Web3. It's an area that piques my interest everytime I look into it. You want to explore the vibrant world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Artists, musicians, and creators are leveraging NFTs to tokenize digital assets. Platforms like OpenSea and Rarible provide a canvas for expressing creativity and potentially earning income.

So like I said earlier, if you've got Web2 skills…onboarding to Web3 might not be as hard as you think it is. Web3 is a creative space, filled with creative minds. I'm pretty sure you will find your niche once you start looking for it.

Keeping Up with the Evolution

Like I just said, Web3 is a rapidly evolving space. Stay updated with blogs, podcasts, and social media. Follow key influencers, read whitepapers, and attend virtual conferences. Web3 is not just a technology; it's a culture that thrives on continuous learning.

Embarking on your Web3 journey is a thrilling adventure filled with innovation and endless possibilities. Embrace the decentralized ethos, connect with the community, and be ready to adapt as this transformative technology unfolds even further.

Whether you’re fascinated by coding, finance, or creativity, Web3 welcomes diverse skill sets to shape the future of the internet. So, where to start in Web3? The answer lies in your curiosity and the willingness to explore the uncharted territories of the decentralized web. I hope this was able to inspire someone to take the leap of faith and explore these possibilities!



Raymond “Joe.Raemond” Joseph

A DEGA Ambassador, Crypto Enthusiast and a Community Manager.