Why I got a Bitcoin tattoo

Aden Rao (Gen Z Money)
2 min readApr 4, 2022


I got a Bitcoin tattoo on my wrist. This is completely real and it will be on me forever. This may seem really dumb to do. It kind of is but I’m going to justify my reasoning for getting one. A bit of context on who I am. My name is Aden Rao, I’m 18 years old, I trade stocks and crypto and have a TikTok called @genzmoneyy with a little over 36,000 followers where I talk about money-related things such as Bitcoin. Over the past couple of years, I got into crypto a lot. I made a lot of money from crypto futures and I started learning more about Bitcoin, which led me to get this tattoo.

What happens if Bitcoin goes to $0

So let’s get this situation out of the way, let’s say Bitcoin drops to 0 within the next 30 years. I don’t think it will but even if that happens I think it will still be cool to look on my wrist and kind of have like a piece of history on it. A digital currency that was created by an anonymous person (or multiple) was able to grow to an over $1 trillion market cap. I think that would just be really surreal to have. And I usually wear a watch so that’s why I got the tattoo on my wrist because if I want to cover it up I can wear a watch.

Bitcoin goes to $1 million

This I think is the more likely situation. I truly believe that in my lifetime Bitcoin will go to $1 million. I’ll write a full post about why but basically it’ll be really nice to look back and sort of say that I predicted this moment. And I believed it so much that I got a tattoo of Bitcoin to show that.

I made a lot of money from crypto

Another reason I got a Bitcoin tattoo is that crypto was sort of the first thing that I made over 6 figures from. And it almost is part of my personality, and I’m really passionate about it.

Those are all the reasons I got a Bitcoin tattoo, thanks for reading.

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Aden Rao (Gen Z Money)

I'm an 18-year-old who likes to write about business. money, stocks and crypto.