Why Proof of Reserve is failing



Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Proof of Reserve is a cryptographic technique used to verify that a cryptocurrency exchange or other financial institution holds a sufficient amount of assets in reserve to cover the outstanding balances of its customers. The purpose of Proof of Reserve is to provide transparency and assurance to customers that the exchange or institution is financially solvent and able to fulfill its obligations.

There are several different ways that Proof of Reserve can be implemented, but one common method is for the exchange or institution to publish a cryptographic proof that it holds a certain amount of assets. This proof can be verified by anyone with access to the necessary cryptographic tools, allowing customers to independently verify the exchange’s or institution’s holdings.

Proof of Reserve is particularly important in the context of cryptocurrency exchanges, which are often subject to high levels of volatility and may be at risk of insolvency if they do not hold sufficient reserves. By providing Proof of Reserve, exchanges and other financial institutions can demonstrate their financial stability and reduce the risk of losses for their customers.

Why Proof of Reserve is insufficient

There are several reasons why Proof of Reserve may be insufficient as a means of demonstrating the financial…

