Why the Crypto Market Always Seems to Let You Down

Mark Helfman


When you entered the crypto market, you found a lot of excitement. Data models predicted riches. YouTube and Twitter told you the market would explode to the upside.

It doesn’t feel that way today, but it should.

Since last summer, you’ve stood on the ground floor of the next leg up, and it’s a whole different experience. Scary. Exciting. Frustrating. Terrifying. Stressful. Hopeful. A mix of emotions.

Big upswings, big downswings. Supercycles and bear markets. Laser eyes and death crosses. Big players moving on. Little players moving up.

Crypto remains a wealth-creation machine, a generational opportunity to build lasting, durable wealth from owning a stake in the financial networks of the future.

It is also a cruel and vicious market. Only the most courageous and persistent survive.

To paraphrase a US general, you may have thought crypto is all glory, but I assure you, it is all hell.

We’ve been here before

In 2019, the market did 4x in six months to kick-start a three-year parabolic run, with upswings of +500% and downswings of +60% along the way.



Mark Helfman

Sharing insights about bitcoin, altcoins, blockchain so you can make the most of the cryptocurrency market. Newsletter: https://cryptoiseasy.beehiiv.com/