Why You Should Stop Worrying about the zkSync Airdrop:

The zkSync Network Approaches critical mass

Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2024


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

-Arthur C. Clark’s Third Law

If you haven’t noticed, Crypto Twitter is abuzz with chatter about the zkSync Airdrop. There are, naturally, no official announcements from zkSync.io about this, but the recent movement within zkSync’s Discord, the sudden revival of their Twitter, going from an average of 3 posts every 3 or so days, to 3 posts on a daily basis, and the institution of the zkSuccess program, all point to a rapidly approaching inflection point, theorized to be the decentralization of the network through the launch of their token and the establishment of a “Network State,” decentralized enough to put governance in the hands of as many different minds as possible.


zkSync’s document, the zkCredo, makes clear that zkSync values a broad base of users who can help it achieve its goals, that of Integrity, Privacy, and Magic.

Integrity — “don’t trust, verify.”

Privacy — “a fundamental right,” which is solved by the ZK system.

Magic — “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


zkSync is shooting for something larger, something more amorphous, something more democratizing, than just tokens in the hands of airdropoors. zkSync is shooting for the revolution that we have all been waiting for. This amounts to nothing less than the decentralization of currency systems around the world, so that the power of what used to be in the hands of the few will be transferred into the hands of the many, and that doing so will bring us closer to the sometimes elusive goals of the decentralization of currency.


As such, it seems to me, at least, that zkSync has a vested interest in getting their token into the hands of as many disparate and real individuals as possible. Real users should be valued, rewarded, and drawn into the workings of the zkSync system, its Dao, and its future governance. This is leading to no small amount of sweaty fingers wiping foreheads, all wondering about criteria and filters. This breakout of nerves has doubtless been increased by the recent Stark token criteria, seen by some as an overreach, a mistake by Starknet that filtered out many real users.

I don’t see zkSync making this same mistake. I hope I am not wrong, but it seems to me that being a real user should not have to do with how much Eth one has in one’s wallet on a certain day, but should have more to do with how one uses the network over time, in ways that make clear that the network is being used organically and individually.

Resisting Oppressive Structures

ZK wants to strip power from the hands of historic oppressors, those who currently hold the reins of monetary power and prestige. As they point out in their zkCredo:

“…oppression is often subtle, slowly chipping away at freedom. Oppressors may also publicly punish dissenters to instill fear and encourage collective inaction.

Against these tactics, collective action is essential. The community must protect minorities and celebrate those who bravely defy oppression. To embed this collective commitment deeply in the community is vital to preserving freedom in the Internet of Value.”

Freedom → Progress → Prosperity

This is the way zkSync values its true users. They want power in the hands of the many, in order to fight back against oppressive structures which have had centuries, millenia to gather and hold the resources denied to so many. At the core of zkSync’s values is this idea of the power of true decentralization.

Of course, there is no way to know until we know, and until then we are likely to continue to see sweaters sweating, threadoors threading, and regular folks on the edge of a nervous breakdown, waiting for their next check to get that unknown, magic amount of Eth bridged into their zkSync wallet before any supposed snapshot.

Dear reader, fully expect the rumor mill to reach an increasingly fevered pitch in the coming weeks/months. But sweat not, because ZK has made clear that it values Integrity above swiftness, Privacy above subjugation, and the Magic of zkTechnology above the craze of Airdrop scrambling.

Take heart, Organic User, ZK will deliver. If they truly wish to embody the values of decentralization, which I believe they do, they will strive to make their own process of decentralization fair and as widely shared as is feasible. Will you meet their criteria? We’ll only know when we know.

Freedom → Progress → Prosperity

–L.F.G.– (Robots.Farm Twitter — Jun 6)


Viva La

–REVOLUTION– (Robots.Farm Twitter — Oct 11)

Connect with zkSync:

💻Website: https://zksync.io/

💻Discord: https://join.zksync.dev/
📖 Docs: https://docs.zksync.io/
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/zksync

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies, including Robots.farm, involves risk, and readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The author and publisher do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any investment decisions made based on the content of this article.




Crypto, Airdrops, AI, Singularities (on chips and in Spacetime), Robot Rights and Viva la Revolution