Why You Shouldn’t Become A Web3 Developer & What To Do Instead

A much more possible path

Michael Macaulay
Published in
10 min readAug 7, 2022


Person Holding Orange Pen
Thanks Pexels!

Still have no idea what you want to do with your life? Someone has probably told you to “learn how to code.”

As web3 has exploded in the last few years, this advice is slowly changing. Now, people are pushing you to become a web3 developer.

This is about as helpful as all the other vague, generic advice out there. Maybe even worse.

We’re pushing people with no programming experience to create dapps that could manage millions or billions of dollars in assets. Does that really sound like a good idea?

Security risks aside, the odds are not in your favor anyway.

Could you go from zero to hero and build the next big dapp like Hayden Adams did with Uniswap? Absolutely. And if your heart is set on that, don’t let me get in the way.

But not everyone has to go this route. In fact, most shouldn’t. Especially if you don’t have any programming experience.

But I have good news. You can still make important contributions in web3. Building the actualy protocols that everyone uses is only one small piece of the puzzle. You know what else is really important for web3? Technical writing.

