Week 1

Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2024


i’ll just hodl it

You might have seen the memes by now, if not then you will.

Everyone is wondering if Noike is the real deal.

$SOL dumps today
$WOOSH remains strong, could they be just be hodling?

The $WOOSH team spent the first few days posting memes and vids about Noike.org on Twitter.

Other then a paid shout out by Big Baller, there has been no other paid marketing.

The Noikecoin twitter has more than doubled in size since launch and is growing.

For the second week the team wants to focus on driving organic traffic to the new socials including reddit, tik tok, and instagram. Go check them out if you haven’t already, I promise they aren’t boring… we do it for the memes, after all.

A few coins have already tried to copy the real noike coin so make sure you are using the right contract if you buy some for the memes (29377Uz8eu6CeXmnMXJJge3gdaycyCbrubnLiUva75AA).

I have talked to the team and the dev personally about the future of this project and I am extremely comfortable in my $WOOSH position.

The Dev, Toiger Woods, on the noike team is legit. There are veteran investors from Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana on the noike team including Bull Breezy who is currently building an orphanage in Tanzania, Africa.

Anyone is welcome to join the TG video/voice call anytime or stop by a twitter space.

Do it for the memes.

peep noike.org

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