WorldCoin Suspended In Countries As Thousands Want Free Money
2 min readAug 11, 2023


Do you trust that man you see in the thumbnail? I sure don’t.

Exploitation of 3rd world citizens.

A very common thing nowadays — is again being exploited by WorldCoin.

In Africa, a recent interest of the WorldCoin team, there have been thousands of individuals thatve been waiting in lines to get their data stolen in order to get a few dollars which translates to a lot more in their world due to purchasing power parity.

WorldCoin had done exactly this for their first 500,000 users and are now doing it on a bigger scale with investors newfound money. 98% of worldcoins are in the hands of 10 wallets, a lot of those wallets being for investors.

This obviously means that WorldCoin had originally lied (big time) about their fair distribution that they plan on achieving once atleast a billion users are signed up to the project…Does that even sound viable to you? 1 billion users?

How many of those users are actually going to be active if all they have to do is stand in front of an orb and get free money for doing so? The answer is: Not so many.

Especially considering the fact that most of them don’t even own devices that can reliably run apps that WorldCoin plans on developing. It’s all a facade, a fake blank screen their putting up to steal everyone’s money in order to fund dreams that humans don’t even want or need. (Universal basic income — turns humans into useless consumer drones where only the top 1–2% get to get anything above the usual basic income.

Universal basic income means nobody will have to ever work again.

Everyone will live in the same cheap house, with the same cheap household items and the same kitchen.

Now with central banks experimenting with CBDCs I’m afraid society has nowhere else to go as nobody’s even realizing what is happening, in 5 years, we’re done for. Nobody is going to rebel.. everyone’s info is going to be public. The world is going to transform into a private-less state with a 1 world government that is completely authoritarian and everyone’s going to be too busy not focusing in school, scrolling tiktok, trying to become accountants with low pay salaries forever.



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