World’s first AI robot CEO.

Durwin Ho
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Would you listen and obey a CEO who is an AI?

Imagine waking up and going to work.

It is a perfectly normal day.

But your boss is not only the sharpest mind in the room but also the coolest head during a crisis.

Basically, he or she has no human emotion.

100% objective, on target, never sleeps, never tires and never complains.


Because that boss isn’t human.

Meet Mika, the world’s first AI robot CEO, a humanoid with a mission and no need for coffee breaks.

Meet Mika, the world’s first AI robot CEO. And yea, it is not a prank.

She looks human, but that’s really all that is similar.

Her voice still sounds a little creepy, with a steady monotone and she has odd facial expressions.

Oh they even made her gesticulate so she seems more normal during conversations.

What does an AI CEO do, you ask?

Picture this: a leader who analyzes gigabytes of data faster than you can blink, makes decisions devoid of emotional bias, and works tirelessly around the clock.

Mika, created by Hanson Robotics and anointed by Dictado.

She is might be a novelty but also potentially radical shift in leadership dynamics.

The difference between a traditional CEO and an AI one is stark.

Perhaps in the future, AI CEOs could be making executive decisions for billion-dollar companies without emotions or personal baggage.

Humans need rest, have personal lives, and, let’s face it, sometimes make decisions based on gut feelings rather than hard data.

That is what makes Steve Jobs so cut-throat and brutal at times.

That is what makes Elon so competitive and goes into “demon mode”, otherwise there would be no self-landing rockets.

Mika, on the other hand, is all about the data, the numbers and the logic, without a sick day in sight.

But what about dealing with inter-personal and staff issues?

Can it be an effective psychologist and a listening ear to the employees?

How would an AI CEO fare against a real CEO?

Sure, an AI CEO can process information at superhuman speeds and potentially boost efficiency.

But can it inspire a team, negotiate with empathy, or innovate from a place of intuition?

Will you be motivated listening to a robot?

Can you bring yourself to be motivated?

“However, FOX Business reporter Lauren Simonetti noted that there is a “significant delay” in the time it takes Mika to process and respond to your question.”

Gulp, I doubt that would be effective.

Having AI as your boss could be awesome.

No more mood swings or unpredictable decisions — just clear, consistent leadership.

The future could be us listening and obeying AI overlords, is that how it starts?

But would you want that?

The allure of a boss who’s more algorithm than human has its charm but might it be too emotion-less and hard to relate to?

And yes, even an AI CEO needs a check on its silicon power.

There must always be a bigger boss, a human touch to guide the machine intelligence, ensuring that the AI’s decisions align with our values and ethics.

In other words, how useful can the AI CEO really be?

Sure we can create AI bosses, but who will follow them?


Would you listen to an AI boss?


#AI #RobotCEO #FutureOfWork #HumanoidBoss #TechTrends #AILeadership #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence #CorporateWorld #HumanVsMachine #EthicalAI #Leadership #TechDebate #FutureIsNow #MikaCEO



Durwin Ho

CEO of StartupX | Web3.0, Crypto, DeFi, NFT Enthusiast |HyperX Sustainability Hackcelerator | Startup Weekend Singapore.