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Coin Ninja ⚡
Coin Ninja
Published in
1 min readJul 25, 2019

There are 3 things most people do daily as it relates to Bitcoin:

  1. Transact Bitcoin (send & receive)
  2. Check the latest Bitcoin price (and historical views of price charts)
  3. Check the latest news that might be influencing the price

Up to this point, we’ve focused on innovating on number 1. However, we’re excited to announce that we have just released upgrades to 2 and 3 above in the latest iOS version of DropBit. The next Android update will be coming very soon with the same update.

We’ve also added some subtle but helpful swipe behaviors that allow fast navigation through the primary screens on our app. This should help people quickly get to whatever their intent is for a particular session without several layers of vertical navigation.

Like what you See? Have Suggestions?

We’re always looking for ways to improve design and UX of our app. So if you have suggestions let us know on Twitter or drop us a line at hello@coinninja.com.



Coin Ninja ⚡
Coin Ninja

Accelerating the global adoption of Bitcoin. Check out the DropBit mobile Bitcoin wallet at https://dropbit.app