DropBit Introduces Bitcoin Referral Program

Give the Gift of Bitcoin Knowledge for the Holidays and earn Bitcoin!

Coin Ninja ⚡
Coin Ninja
4 min readDec 20, 2019


Introducing DropBit Referral: Earn Bitcoin by Sharing Bitcoin

Referrals aren’t a new concept to Bitcoin wallets. However, DropBit is about making existing experiences simple and universally accessible. With most other referral programs, the recipient needs to heavily fund their accounts with between $100 and up to $1,000 for either party to ever receive Bitcoin. So if you share with 10 people in your network, you’re lucky if even 1 of them meets the criteria for you to get paid for your referral.

Get $1 in Bitcoin for EVERY person who you invite that installs DropBit and funds their wallet — WITH NO MINIMUM!

Earn ₿ With the New DropBit Referral Program! (Terms and Conditions Apply)

That’s right…you can send each person in your network even 1 sat, and both of you receive $1 from DropBit. Send 10 people a sat on DropBit and you get $10 in Bitcoin. And each of your recipients get $1 in Bitcoin! With no limits.

We are running this referral until February for 2 reasons.

  1. Our mission is to spread the global adoption of Bitcoin. People sharing Bitcoin with their network is the most powerful way to do that and the most impactful way to impact both price of Bitcoin and utility is to get people set up with a mobile wallet and fund that wallet.
  2. We would rather spend our “marketing budget” getting people Bitcoin and Bitcoin wallets. This is a direct benefit of spending $. Why would we give Facebook money for Bitcoin ads when they still reject almost everything relating to Crypto? We don’t want to support ads on organizations that take a blanket ban stance on crypto because they are too lazy to understand and separate scam projects from Bitcoin.

For more than a decade, Bitcoin Hodlers have tried earnestly to share Bitcoin with their friends and family. Most of them understand that the very best way to legitimize Bitcoin is not sending people educational links or to talk their ear off at every function…rather they know the best way of getting people to lean into Bitcoin is to actually send them their first Bitcoin. When people own a any amount of BTC, even just a few Sats, the entire concept of Bitcoin is simplified and accessible. And when Newcoiners see Bitcoin for what it is — a low friction and easily transferable form of digital currency, that is when they start to go down the rabbit hole and become true Bitcoin advocates.

The best way to get people to learn about Bitcoin is to send them a small amount to get started

Until DropBit, paper wallets and “set up your wallet and send me an address” were really the only way to try to get people Sats. And let’s be honest, neither method is practical, user friendly or appropriate for the gift experience. This is where DropBit comes in. We make it dead simple to send Bitcoin to your friends + family and all you need is their phone number or Twitter handle. Neither the sender nor receiver needs any prior knowledge of Bitcoin to easily send or receive Sats on DropBit. If you have used Venmo or Paypal, you can use DropBit.

But DropBit isn’t just for sharing the Bitcoin wealth. With the holiday season coming up, we also wanted to emphasize the wish list concept. After all, those who send Bitcoin for the holidays would love to receive Bitcoin just as much. And most importantly, we wanted to reward everyone who helps get more people into Bitcoin by sending Sats to anyone who shares Bitcoin with their network.

Your Holiday Wish List: Give Me Bitcoin Please!

Amazon has a great feature that allows you to add gifts you want for the holidays and share it with your family and friends. This takes the guess work out of gift giving and gets the recipient something they actually want. Everyone wins…except Amazon still doesn’t recognize what many people want…Bitcoin.

So DropBit now allows you to easily generate a festive wish list page and share it with anyone in your network so they know what to get you this year. And most importantly, we made it so simple even Grandma can get you Bitcoin.

Send this to your friends and family to request Bitcoin for the holidays!

She can buy Bitcoin with a few taps in less than 30 seconds with Apple Pay (using Safari browser). And Google Pay will be ready very soon too!

And there’s no need to confuse the buyers on your list with addresses or calculating sats — the DropBit Wish List experience is just as easy as buying a gift card or something on Amazon! And best of all, you can use the wish list year round as there are designs that extend beyond just the Holiday themes!

Share your Bitcoin Wish List page year round for birthdays, graduation or for any occasion!

Bonus Holiday Gift from DropBit ⚡🔓

Finally, we are unlocking every Lightning Wallet on DropBit and all new users will be unlocked going forward! All we ask in return is you share this message.

🎁 Happy Holidays from the DropBit Team 🎁



Coin Ninja ⚡
Coin Ninja

Accelerating the global adoption of Bitcoin. Check out the DropBit mobile Bitcoin wallet at https://dropbit.app