Bringing dead content back to life

3 min readSep 2, 2020


Using The Tokenized Future, a free ConsenSys webinar, as an excuse to study together we brought to life content that was in the unfathomable libraries of the Internet.

This is an on going experiment.

We are planting seeds for online education to flourish with new logics.
It was an idea that was born from seeing all the high quality content on the Internet, which is obvious.

But how many of us haven’t signed up for free courses on edX, Coursera, Udacity, started on YouTube, jumped into a book or getting trapped on a tutorial hell. Most are failed attempts, when the subject becomes too difficult or you have no one to ask; you throw in the towel miserably.

One phrase that resonated a while back was this tweet from Naval:

What are we doing in coinosis?

Coinosis is a decentralized, participatory education platform that facilitates study circles on topics of interest to the crypto community.

We want more people to learn collaboratively, to keep that desire alive with a group of people with common interests. We help each other when the subject becomes difficult.

People decided to study The Tokenized Future, a ConsenSys Academy webinar with excellent material. It is free, but probably no one has reviewed it for a long time. It is dead and wrecking in the endless sea of the Web. I can imagine that knowledge being deposited in dusty books, which pile up in the unfathomable libraries of the Internet.

A sketch of the rescue mission we are doing with that dead content. No more buried courses out there 🧟‍♀️

Well, we have to go and rescue it.

Dusting off and reviving the zoombie content, that’s how Robbie Kruszynski who works in the DevRel team at ConsenSys, gave us a hand with the poster:

How a coinosis session works

A simple 1–2–3:

  1. Everyone puts money in the smart contract,
  2. We had a video call to share what we understood of the Webinar, and
  3. Who contributes the most according to the recognition of the participants took the deposit proportionally.

Notice how some people rank on top of the list in both sessions. We believe this is a good way to identify proactive people inside a learning community.

Preliminary Results

  • One session wasn’t enough; we did it in two parts: Saturday and Wednesday. Take into account this material was 35 minutes approximately.
  • Materials are connected. After we watched the tokenized future, we spotted two other 🧟‍♂️ soon to be rescue.
  • We can improve on giving people the incentive to be prepared for the session.

If you want to run your own Study Circle, please reach us out on our Telegram group:

Please let us what you on the comments 🙌🏼

