Why Invest in Crypto: Part 2 — Currency You Can Trust

A Global Currency

Chris Daniels
Coinplan Insights
2 min readNov 26, 2018


In this series, the Coinplan team is breaking down a few reasons why retail investors should invest in a high-quality portfolio of cryptocurrencies. I’d love your feedback — Please shoot me an email at chris@coinplan.io to continue the conversation.

Cryptocurrency is an international currency that transcends boarders, governments and intermediaries.

In the truly global age we live in, technology has made the world flat once again. While businesses, relationships, and ideas exist without borders, we are still bound by bordered currencies.

When bitcoin was introduced 10 years ago, it was the first global currency. But what does it mean to be a global currency? Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, are not bound by country borders because these digital assets are just that — digital. There is no physical form of these cryptocurrencies held in a bank safe. Therefore, there are no restrictions on where you can send or receive these digital asset from.

For example, look at the $600 billion remittance payments industry. This industry has long been dominated by a few big players like Western Union that are able to essentially monopolize the remittance industry. Not only do remittance companies charge huge fees — around 5% of your payment — to send YOUR money. With bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making international payments is essentially free. (There is a small transaction fee that is fractions of a penny)

With cryptocurrency, you own your money. You don’t have to wait days for a payment to clear, manage inconvenient bank hours, or be nickle-and-dimed for using your OWN money when using cryptocurrency.


There has never been a global currency that is borderless — until now. Cryptocurrency allows true custody of your money, without restrictions. Its your money, start using it how you want.

Coinplan is gives users true custody of their cryptocurrency with individual wallets that are encrypted with institutional-grade security measures. If you are interested in getting invested in cryptocurrency, check out our diversified cryptocurrency portfolios below:

