Wish you had a portfolio stop-loss today? Me too.

Crypto takes a dive — Coinplan’s Smart Portfolio Stop-Loss could’ve saved your crypto portfolio.

Chris Daniels
Coinplan Insights
3 min readNov 14, 2018


Rough day in the crypto markets, huh? As of writing this, bitcoin is down 9.5%, ethereum is down 10%, and bitcoin cash is down 12%. After 6 months of fairly stable crypto prices, this drop is sure to rattle some investor confidence. But that’s crypto — it’s volatile and investors don’t have an easy way to manage their portfolio risks for price dips like this…until now.

Coinplan Smart Portfolio Stop-Loss

At Coinplan, we realized that people hate to lose more than they like to win (in fact, there’s a lot of proven psychology to support it). We also realized that most people are busy — too busy to monitor the crypto markets 24/7. So we built the Coinplan Smart Portfolio Stop-Loss to keep an eye on your crypto portfolio while you’re busy living.

How it works

When you invest in a Coinplan crypto portfolio, you can set a portfolio stop-loss ranging from 5–20% of your portfolio value. The Coinplan Smart Portfolio Stop-Loss monitors the markets and your portfolio 24/7, 365 so if the market takes a dive past your specified stop-loss threshold, we automatically sell that cryptocurrency into a dollar-pegged stable coin to mitigate the loss.

I know what your thinking — What about taxes? What if I don’t want to sell right now?

Coinplan has you covered. When setting your stop-loss, you can specify if you want the transaction to happen automatically or if you just want a notification with a one-click option to sell or hold. If you want your crypto investment on auto-pilot, the automatic feature is for you. If you’ve been around the crypto-block, we let you make the call.

You might not want to sell your position because of the headache of preparing your crypto tax liability. Which makes a lot of sense because let’s be honest — calculating your crypto tax liability IS a headache. That’s why Coinplan partnered with a leading crypto tax preparation tool, Cointaxes, to handle all your tax reporting. When tax season rolls around, your crypto tax liability is prepared in about 5 seconds with just one-click. There’s also tax advantage to selling in a dip, but we’ll save that for another article. You can sleep well at night knowing Coinplan has your crypto portfolio covered.

But wait there’s more…

Coinplan not only mitigates your losses in market dips, but also diversifies your crypto investment with our curated portfolios. In fact, as of writing this the Coinplan Bitcoin Hedge Portfolio is only down -4.0%. Whether you have $50 or $50,000 invested in crypto, that 5.5% difference from the market (bitcoin, down -9.5%) is something to tell a friend about.

Curious to learn more?

While we couldn’t save your portfolio today, the Coinplan Invest platform is going live for priority beta clients next week. If you want to diversify your crypto portfolio, mitigate losses in a volatile market, and sleep soundly at night knowing someone’s watching your crypto investment, then sign up for our priority beta list to be one of the first to experience the future of crypto wealth management. (We’ll even add $10 to your account for being an early bird)

