Demystifying Blockchain: Key Components You Need to Know

Rishit Aggarwal
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2023


In the realm of technology and finance, blockchain has emerged as a transformative force. It’s not just a buzzword, it’s a fundamental innovation that has the potential to reshape various industries.

Let’s explore blockchain technology in this blog article, learning what it is, and its various fundamental elements.

What is Blockchain ?

Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized digital ledger that securely and openly records transactions. The main use of this technology is the development of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But blockchain technology’s potential uses go far beyond cryptocurrency.

Fundamental elements of blockchain are :

◆ Decentralization

Decentralization is a term that describes how power, control, and decision-making are distributed across a network or system as opposed to being concentrated in a single central authority or body. Blockchain technology uses it to establish a trustless and tamper-resistant network where no single organization has total control. Let’s see how decentralization is used in blockchain:

Fig.1. Decentralization Network

Decentralized Network of Nodes: A blockchain network consists of numerous nodes spread out throughout the world. Each node participates in the network’s operation and holds a copy of the whole blockchain ledger.

Like for example you know the blockchain used by Bitcoin is a public, open-source ledger where hundreds of nodes around the world verify and log transactions. The Bitcoin network is not run or controlled by a single organization, like a central bank.

Lack of a Central Authority: Blockchain networks lack a central authority, in contrast to typical centralized systems, in which a single organization or authority controls all policies and procedures. Rules and protocols for network consensus are used to make decisions.

For instance, there is no central bank or government organization in charge of regulating or issuing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The decentralized network itself establishes the rules.

Open and Unrestricted Access: Many blockchain networks, particularly open ones, welcome participation from anyone. Due to the large range of players allowed by this permissionless nature, it is challenging for any one body to restrict access. In the case of Bitcoin, anyone can participate as a node, miner, or user on the blockchain without requesting permission from a higher authority. With open access, decentralization is encouraged.

◆ Security

Combining cryptographic methods, decentralized consensus processes, and certain design principles, blockchain security is principally protected. With examples, here is how blockchain achieves security.

Fig.2. Cryptography

Cryptographic Techniques:

  1. Hash Functions: Each block in the blockchain is given a unique, fixed-length hash using cryptographic hash functions. A chain of hashes is formed by connecting these to the hash of the previous block. For instance, the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256, 256-bit) is used by Bitcoin.
  2. Digital Signatures: To confirm the legitimacy of transactions, cryptographic digital signatures are utilized. Users utilize a private key to sign transactions in this procedure, and a corresponding public key to confirm the signature. For instance, in Ethereum, a private key is used to sign transactions, and the sender’s public key is used to verify them.
  3. Encryption: Data encryption is used to safeguard sensitive information’s confidentiality. For instance, private keys are protected using encryption.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing programmes with predetermined rule. They run on the blockchain and automatically enforce an agreement’s terms without the use of middlemen. They are impervious to tampering and carry out code exactly as intended.

Example: Decentralized finance (DeFi) apps, which use smart contracts to enable safe and automated financial transactions, are one of the many uses for which Ethereum is extensively used.

◆ Transparency

Transparency is a key component of blockchain technology that promotes accountability, fosters confidence among users, and enables safe, auditable, and verifiable transactions and data. It is one of the main factors driving the adoption of blockchain technology across a range of sectors, from finance to supply chain management and beyond. It is achieved in blockchain in following ways:

Immutable Records: It is very impossible to change or remove data once it has been stored on a blockchain. This immutability guarantees the accuracy of the past and forbids backtracking, increasing transparency.

Open Source Code: The software that runs many blockchain networks is available for free. This indicates that anyone can freely view the code that controls how the blockchain functions. Anyone may check the code to make sure the blockchain’s guidelines are being adhered to correctly.

Public Ledger: Blockchain keeps track of all transactions in a public ledger. This ledger, which records the entire history of all transactions, is available to each member of the network. Decentralised, or dispersed over numerous nodes, this ledger makes it challenging to manipulate or control.


Blockchain technology offers a safe, open, and decentralized mechanism to record and verify transactions. Utilizing the full potential of this ground-breaking technology requires a thorough understanding of the various blockchain varieties and their distinctive characteristics. With additional applications being investigated and created, blockchain’s significance is expected to increase, whether in the area of cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, or banking.

