Move to Announcement.

Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2019

Dear users:

CoinSeason will move from <> to <>. Due to the system maintenance and platform wallet upgrade, CoinSeason suspends all deposit into platform wallets from now on. Withdrawal could be made from CoinSeason platform wallets until September 5 12:00pm (PDT).

In the meanwhile, users are encouraged to register at Kcoin to trade.

For OTC tradings, please contact coinseason team: Eric (, Erica ( or Joyce ( to inquire the new wallet address. During the upgrade period, the crypto sent to old platform wallets might not be retrievable. Unfortunately, we would not be held responsible if the crypto is lost due to mistakingly sent to the old wallet addresses. Once the features are upgraded completely, we will make further announcement. We apologize the inconvenience caused. If you have any questions, please contact CoinSeason at

Kcoin is our business strategical partner. New and existing CoinSeason users, we strongly advise you to register and trade on the Kcoin platform for the time being and stay tune for the all-new CoinSeason platform! please visit:

CoinSeason Team





CoinSeason Capital Inc. is a Crypto/Fiat currency trading platform based in Vancouver Canada. Our articles are not a prospectus or an investment solicitation