Coinshift’s $15M Series A, Sneak peek into V2, and What’s Next

Tarun Gupta
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2022

Announcing our $15M Series A to build the most sophisticated multichain Treasury infrastructure for DAOs & Companies.

We launched Coinshift publicly in June 2021, and we are humbled to have incredible traction with 1000+ safes, $1.3B in assets & $82M+ in payouts from organizations like Consensys, Biconomy, Messari, Uniswap, Perpetual Protocol, Balancer & various others.

Today, the new chapter of the Coinshift journey begins, and we are thrilled to tell you about the roadmap as we envision building the most sophisticated Multichain Treasury Infrastructure and have some exciting news for you.

We are proud to announce that Coinshift has raised $15M in Series A led by Tiger Global and joined by Sequoia Capital India, Ryan Hoover (Founder of Product Hunt & Weekend Fund), Alameda Ventures, Spartan Group, Ethereal Ventures, Alpha Wave Capital, Hash key Capital, Quiet Capital, Polygon Ventures, Volt Capital & 300+ angels and operators in crypto and Fintech.

“We’ve been impressed by the pace of product development at Coinshift since we met Tarun and the team. It’s clear there is a huge need for crypto native treasury management and payments, and we are excited to back Coinshift as they roll out the next iteration of the platform,” said Alex Cook, Partner, Tiger Global

Next Chapter

Sneak Peek into Coinshift V2

With V1, our team did an incredible job of building a platform for sophisticated mass payouts directly from the Treasury Multisig. With our V2, we aim to develop the most sophisticated next-generation multichain treasury management platform.

The major architectural change between Coinshift V1 and Coinshift V2 is users can add multiple safes to a single organization across multiple chains, unlike Coinshift V1, where 1 safe address was equal to 1 organization.

Coinshift V2 architecture will help Treasury managers and sub-DAO committees efficiently consolidate all the safes across networks and seamlessly see the whole Treasury Balances. In addition, users will have global access to contacts, Labels, budgets, reporting, and advanced access level control between safes, signers, & non-signers.

“Tarun and the team are building heads down at Coinshift. They have made wonderful progress since Sequoia Capital India participated in their seed funding last year. This round will enable them to build a wider set of offerings for treasury management and Sequoia Capital India is thrilled to deepen the commitment to Coinshift.” Shailesh Lakhani, MD, Sequoia India

V2 Core Benefits

Our Product features will make coinshift the most simple, flexible, and efficient Multichain Treasury Management Platform for DAOs & Companies using Gnosis Safe.

  • Users will be able to manage multiple Gnosis Safes on multiple chains under one organization to save a lot of time and achieve transparency in treasury ops.
  • Users will have advanced roles and permissions and seamlessly elect admin, moderator, and members to offload off-chain ops.
  • Users will be able to Transaction create Proposals as Non-Signers leading to efficient Treasury Ops for DAO leads, Head of Finance & Founders.
  • Users can easily do Multi-token & NFTs Mass payouts, Stream Payments, and Automate salaries with built-in Transaction Batching.
  • Users will be able to deploy custom asset allocation strategies with built-in tagging and reporting.
  • With our transaction batching solution, users can save a huge amount of time & gas fees on deposits, withdrawals, token approvals, etc while interacting with DeFi Protocols.

“Excited to observe Coinshift leading the infrastructure to bring simple, flexible, and efficient DAO/treasury management tool into a wider audience”, said Adam, Partner Alameda Ventures.

Launch Partner Program

Coinshift V2 was built and designed in close collaboration with the industry’s leading DAOs & companies. Currently, we are live in private beta with our launch partners.

Join the waitlist at

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Tarun Gupta

Building Coinshift - Smart Treasury management for crypto organisations | Lead infrastructure engineer @biconomy