Ultra Protocol (ULTRA) X Coinstore AMA Recap đź’¬

Coinstore Exchange
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2022

Hey Coin Collectors,

Welcome back to our AMA recaps! Coinstore held an AMA in collaboration with one of our newly listed project party on Coinstore, Ultra Protocol (ULTRA). Through this AMA, Coinstore introduced the Ultra Protocol project and gave them a more in-depth introduction of their project to our community. Held on Coinstore’s official telegram group, the CEO of Ultra Protocol, Zach (a.k.a. Zatoshi) was the guest speaker, together with Una from Coinstore as the AMA host

P.S. Do head over to Coinstore to trade Ultra Protocol (ULTRA) today!

During this AMA recap with Ultra Protocol. We received an overwhelming response from the community. Now moving on to the exciting part! Here is how the AMA went! To start off this AMA, Zach introduced himself and the Ultra Protocol project to the Coinstore community.

Segment 1:

Zach’s Introduction of Himself & Ultra Protocol:

G’day everybody, my name is Zach, but everybody knows me as Zatoshi. I’m the CEO of Ultra Protocol and we have an amazing token called UltraSafe Token $ULTRA.

I’ve been in the blockchain industry for the last 5 years now and am extremely passionate about this space. We’re building the foundation for innovative financial services and investment products.

Our launchpad releases in December which will help contribute to launching secure, safe and funded companies through private, presale and public sale rounds. We’re extremely excited to be here and we can’t wait to work more closely with Coinstore 💪

We have a 12 month roadmap on our website with multiple products and services we will be releasing. You can view it here: ultraprotocol.io/roadmap.html

Social Media:

Telegram: https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraSafeOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UltraProtocol
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultrasafe/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ultraprotocol

Currently, $ULTRA is listed on:

  1. Pancake Swap
  2. Coinstore
  3. Lbank

Moving on to segment 2, where the AMA host — Coinstore Una — will be asking Zach some questions!

Host: Who are your partners for the project?
Hacken Foundation, Coinstore, Coindor, PureFi Protocol, Scan DeFi, AMLBot, PeachFolio. We value security and trust in our company core.

Host: What is your future direction and plan, and what is the purpose of implementing the application on the blockchain?
We’re building a protocol to securely launch projects and teams into the future of finance. With a strategic approach in partners and focus on our core values, Ultra Protocol will be known for specializing in Financial services and investment products that will be used globally.

Host: I would like to know where your project users mainly come from and what is your original design intention.
United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada are the top 4 locations so far. Twitter, Facebook and Reddit are our top sources where our community members come from.

We want to explore more options in the South East Asia market and build a bigger community so we can all invest securely and learn more together.

Host: What are the benefits and advantages of joining and supporting this project?
We make a great team, with senior executive, financial and software engineering experiences in our core executive levels to moderators who have been in Support based job roles. A strong vision, clear roadmap and targets ahead. We all know what the job is and we’ll make sure we do it right 💪

Segment 3, is where our community will be asking any questions they have for Ultra Protocol:

  1. How did you get the community involved in developing the project? and how do you build a strong community to grow globally? (Asked By: Shantel Fuller DOGE)
    We regularly hold community events, giveaways and competitions that help grow our community strength, value and core. In order to build a global community, we need ambassadors and community members who will all help contribute to talking about Ultra Protocol around the world.
  2. Please tell us more specific information about goals and vision for the next 1 to 3 years? (Asked By: Blue | ambassador | CM)
    We've only developed our roadmap for the next 12 months currently, as for 3 years, I can tell you we'll be looking at completely disrupting the entire industry.
  3. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have local communities like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea,.. so they can better understand your project? (Asked By: Vui Trung Thu)
    We do want to bring onboard ambassadors that can help translate and push our content in local languages that aren’t English!
    If you know anyone, get them to message us ;)
  4. Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics? (Asked By: Lincoln Gant.lpl)
    • 8% Total Transaction Fee
    • 4% is distributed to Liquidity
    • 4% is distributed among all holders.
    Are our current tokenomics.
  5. How does project increase the token’s value, liquidity and utility ? So that it can lead to an increase in token prices? What is your plan to make your project stable and provide the highest return for investors in the long term? (Asked By: Emilia)
    This is a great question!
    Our products and services will use a percentage of profit from fees and products to purchase $ULTRA and hold forever.
    We also have plans in the future to bring out a utility token that will run the entire ecosystem of services and products we produce for the many years to come.

We hope that this AMA gave you a better idea and understanding of Ultra Protocol’s project and you can head over to Coinstore.com’s website now to start trading!

To conclude

These are the questions we managed to answer during the AMA amongst the many other questions that were asked because there were simply too many questions from you guys (do keep them coming in!!). We will be happy to answer any other questions you guys have in our telegram channel, so do head over and join our community today! 🤗

Follow Ultra Protocol’s Media:
Website: https://ultraprotocol.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UltraProtocol
Telegram Official Group: https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCve0yGudOqBD_M_dX0VDshQ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ultraprotocol

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