How to Build a Welcome Email for Crypto-Oriented Services?

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7 min readDec 5, 2019

Over the last couple of years, the popularity of email marketing has decreased given the growing number of readily-available marketing channels. Despite this aspect, emails remain highly-relevant, especially when it comes down to communicating with customers, following up on orders, or encouraging them to purchase your crypto-based service or product.

Some of the best marketing practices dictate that businesses should engage in contact with newly-registered users. After all, there’s no profitability in getting sign-ups to your service, but rather in encouraging users to commit and purchase a cryptocurrency service, subscription or product.

Getting these conversions generally entails that users are given easy access to all required information for decision-making. In general, a purchase is only made once potential customers fully understand how products/services work, and once a relationship of trust has been attained between the involved parties.

Based on these aspects, this article will highlight some of the main factors worth keeping in mind when building automated welcome emails for crypto-oriented services.

Relevant email marketing rules worth considering prior to making automated emails

1. Choose a proper mailing service

At this time, the market is filled with companies that will happily provide email-sending services. Generally, choosing a provider should only be done after careful research of all offers, meant to determine the best choice for your current demands.

For most email services, you simply need to import your list of contacts, which can then be used for segmentation purposes. Segmentation acts as a targeting instrument, meant to ensure that your emails are being sent out to users who are relevant for your current campaigns. This helps with classing newly-registered users in a category of their own to help facilitate automated welcome campaigns.

Mailing services generally offer several other perks, including open rate stats alongside a series of other interesting insights for emails being sent out. Similarly, you also have the possibility to A/B test newsletters in order to further improve their open rates. This is highly relevant for the crypto niche, where service providers regularly rely on email campaigns to enable better communication with customers.

2. Constantly verify whether emails are being sent to the spam folder

Spam has been around for decades, and it’s certainly not slowing down. Due to this, numerous email service providers have implemented systems which rely on algorithms in order to check incoming emails for spam.

Despite the honest work of these algorithms, there are times when necessary emails are still flagged as spam. Several settings can be tweaked to make sure that your welcome emails don’t have to endure the silent treatment. Anyhow, it is essential to test out all emails prior to sending them massively, since failure to do so can lead to the ineffectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

3. Choose and rely on a template for all emails

In the world of business-to-customer communication, standardization is key since it facilitates brand recognition,while also giving your emails a professional look.

Therefore, it is important for crypto and blockchain-based companies to design templates for all emails being sent out. Some of the main elements worth taking into consideration include logos, images, heading, text, buttons and the footer. These elements should be designed and built together. When choosing a template, some of the best marketing practices dictate that you also consider data from user analysis tools.

4. Choose a writing style

At this point in time, it doesn’t really matter whether you choose a formal or informal style. What’s important is consistency; thus, companies should not rely on different writing styles when conversing with the same customer.

Similarly, when drafting up an email template, it is also important to make sure that you are speaking the same language as your users. We are in the cryptocurrency field here, so chances are that the user portrait is more tech-oriented. Most of the times, technicalities shouldn’t be explained in-depth in an email, but do make sure to offer all relevant information, according to user profiles.

The welcome email — your first interaction with a client

Nothing beats a first impression. This concept applies everywhere in real-life, and it certainly applies to the internet as well. As such, the welcome message represents the first direct form of communication between a business and a customer, so it’s certainly important to have your first emails sound appealing and professional. Here are some relevant tips worth keeping in mind:

Write your first email on behalf of team members, or even the CEO

In the world of email marketing, personalization goes a long way. Typically, users love seeing that an actual team member or even the CEO has taken the time to write up an email. Doing so showcases professionalism, and facilitates trustworthiness, brand loyalty and brand recognition in the long run.

Use Call-to-Action

A first-time email must have a call-to-action element implemented within its content. Potential customers should be guided towards checking out the shop or taking a product tour. Failure to include a call-to-action might remove all value from your emails.

In the case of complicated projects, it’s best to include links to educational resources

A well-informed customer is more likely to purchase a crypto-based product or service, as opposed to a user who doesn’t understand how the product works. Educational resources should be easy to understand, yet they should also discuss the topic in-depth.

Show your strong points

A welcome email must also show users why you’re the right pick for the product/service they are seeking. Consider your target audience and list all of the advantages of using your services. This is also the place to mention what differentiates your business from competitors.

Include a welcome offer

This tip can work wonders in the case of potential customers who have not yet made a purchase decision and are still looking for offers. In the case of welcome promotions, you can include some form of limited-time discount, or a fee waive for first-time purchases.

Avoid sending out welcome emails that contain the users’ passwords

This is a risky practice that can have several unexpected consequences. Therefore, it’s best to avoid including registration passwords in unencrypted emails.

The follow-up email — your second chance at a positive first impression

Sending out follow-up emails is a great method of keeping users in the know about your newest products, services, policies and promotions. While having one welcome message is a good marketing practice, organizing a set of automated emails will likely yield even better results.

However, your automated emailing strategy should be organized in a way that protects your promotional emails from being classed as spam. Users shouldn’t feel bombarded with the emails that lack any actual value since this will likely lead to decreasing open rates.

Rather, crypto companies should focus on creating a chain of welcome emails that contain relevant information for customers, and which are sent when the time is right. Doing so ensures that users will continue reading your emails, while also helping you achieve your goals as a service.

Here are some examples of topics that can be used for email chains:

You have recently registered, and we just noticed that you are interested in ‘the topic of your niche’. Here is an article exploring the subject in-depth.

This approach will facilitate trust-building while also showcasing your expertise to potential customers.

A video of your CEO discussing the project

At this point in time, the cryptocurrency market is dealing with mass lack-of-trust, given the handful of failed and scam-based projects. A video from your CEO is bound to improve your credibility both in the short and long-term.

Share feedback, testimonials and real-life use cases for your service or product

By doing so, potential customers will be able to easily spot the value in your project, thus encouraging a purchase decision. For emails like this, you can also use the services of sphere influencers to make your email even more valuable.

A promotional email reminding users about discounts they might want to consider

Oftentimes, users are busy and tend to forget about all the discounts and promotional offers that they are entitled to.

Bottom line

Despite the increasing popularity of other marketing channels, email remains a highly-relevant tool that is bound to facilitate customer engagement, trust, credibility, brand loyalty, brand recognition, and of course, conversions.

However, the positive impact of this marketing instrument can only be ensured if email strategies are done right. The tips that have been outlined so far should definitely put you on the right track for successful email campaigns, but only if done consistently. It is important to keep in mind that marketing professionals throughout the world advise testing out different strategies, prior to settling.

At this point in time, new personalization and automation tools can make email marketing considerably easier, but also more effective since it also enables quick conversions.

Originally published at on December 5, 2019.




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