Crypto Love At First… 14 Sights?

Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2019

How many touch-points does a crypto brand need to have with their customers before they get any kind of cut-through? Well, according to CoinMedia — anywhere from 8 to 24. Read on to better understand what YOU can do to be eternally loved in the business world…

It’s a rare thing indeed, for one to fall in love with another upon first sight.

It’s Valentine’s Day! You might be attracted, curious, interested to know more, and that’s probably a best-case scenario. We’re going to hazard a guess that you didn’t get married on the first date either.

But after a few dates? A bit of repetition? Seeing that same smile, over and over again? Bingo.

Human interaction is full of patterns and similarity, which is why we tend to fall in love with people who are familiar to us — and why we tend to feel an affliction to the faces of celebrities we see over and over on our screens.

So is it any surprise that we also treat brands and products with this same logic?

Consumers feel a need for connection. They are people, and people always return to where they are welcomed and understood. So, it’s our job to make sure that we nurture the relationships our advertising is bringing in, and guide them towards becoming raving fans.

Of course, every business is different — but the one common foundation in which they all share? Trust.

Trust is the essence and fuel that creates successful companies, because if the customer doesn’t trust the store — they will never buy from there again. It is billionaire business magnate Warren Buffet who says “reputation takes 20 years to build and only 5 minutes to ruin, ”so it’s clear that being reputable for trustworthiness is worth the investment of time to create that perception.

Trust isn’t earned overnight, especially in a market such as crypto, where not only is it hyper-competitive, but deeply skewed in terms of public image. Because of this, your customer’s loyalty needs to be earned through honest and realistic contributions to their life, and this starts by knowing where your business meets your customers.

What are touchpoints? And how many of these “meetings” do you need to have to get them involved, buying, and then shouting your praises from the rooftops?

Managing expectations for the contemporary crypto-advertising experience.

There is one very important aspect of engaging with the online crypto community that business owners, marketing managers, and anybody that would use our services need to know.

The crypto and blockchain ecosystems are hyper-competitive, so the number of necessary impressions to generate a lead are variable. But ultimately, if people can be passionate about your project, then it will be easier to kindle that passion to work in your favor.

Of course, this depends on what the blockchain project represents, and in general, it takes longer for people to convert from crypto and blockchain ecosystems. Sometimes, even when they do, their loyalty can still be shaky, meaning that you need to work three times as hard to keep them around.

Invariably, this is why investors also look at the communities to find out more about potential projects.

“Our network of crypto-marketing experts believe that blockchain projects need to interact with their prospects somewhere between 8 and 24 times, each as a single touch point.” — Slava J. (Cointraffic marketing visionary).

Think of Tinder, for example. How many profiles have you swiped before you matched with a person you even mildly fit with?

You need to present the best version of yourself. You need show value in seconds; with a photo and a description that makes people want to learn more about you. Why? Because that first impression counts.

You had to put yourself out there and in front of as many potential matches as possible, that’s the advertising part. And after you pass the first test of making an impression, the focus goes onto exchanging contact information, reaching them by email, or social media, so that you can continue marketing yourself (literally) to them. If it ends up in marriage — fantastic. But the goal, really, is to generate interest and get the conversation going.

Why should your blockchain project be different?

The end-game: generating more interactions.

Generating more interactions where your customers are hanging out is key. The more opportunities for interactions, the more they’ll happen.

The perfect formula to put in front of the blockchain community looks a little like this:

💻 A great image;

💻 A strong headline, and a few sentences explaining your work;

💻 Appearance on the right crypto websites (these are like the Tinder app for your project!).

The user has to see you frequently, on a variety of ad channels (but remember not to overdo it!). One of the best places to execute this formula is via display advertising and press release distribution.

As is in the case for crypto, many clients are probably very interested in the topic and looking to learn as much as they can about the topic. They scout sites for information, particularly reputable news sites, and assume an inherent level of trust for ads shown on these sites (…remember how we mentioned earlier about the inherent distrust in crypto?).

The best thing about display advertising is the way you can customize it. Not everyone will like you and your product; some will bounce, some may have different interests, and for others, it won’t be the right time to click-through. But by using your analytics from every “unsuccessful encounter” to craft the right headline, image and short description tailored to each specific audience, you can always ensure the highest-matching probability.

Of course, native ads are your best choice here but don’t forget to adjust or create new highly-relevant landing pages that resemble the message on the ad. And complementing new updates, product launches, app releases, notable hires and raises via the distribution of press releases can double the efforts, and actually, lead to completely organic media coverage (which for a small business is unparalleled).

So, in the same way, you wouldn’t attract your life partner with a fake personality, you should never disappoint your visitors by showing them irrelevant content. Hopefully, this will help you go on quite a few crypto dates with your prospects and start building lifelong, loving relationships.

Want a recap on native and banner ads? Read this.


A full-service blockchain marketing agency offering a diverse range of expertise from campaign strategy to conversion optimization and lead generation, using real-time bidding (RTB), display, search, video, email, and content marketing channels.

Our mission statement is simple — to provide you with premium service to make your project a glowing success.


Cointraffic is the leading bitcoin and crypto-advertising platform globally. Trusted by more than 400 crypto-related websites, you have untapped access to some of the biggest publishers in the industry, as well as their audiences — be it customers, buyers, traders or investors — through advertising solutions that create unparalleled brand awareness for you.

Just like the crypto industry, we’re growing all the time — expanding into new geo-locations, languages, advertising block offerings and marketing services (RTB, PR, remarketing and CRO) every day. There’s never been a better time to join us as we help businesses share their brand message like never before.

🔊Cointraffic: The loudspeaker for the crypto community.




The leading Crypto advertising network offering the most innovative advertising and monetization solutions for Advertisers and Publishers worldwide since 2014.