8 Simple Steps to Implementing Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

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10 min readDec 19, 2023

Stage One: Data Collection and Evaluation

The initial phase of our project involved extensive discussions and interviews with the primary decision-makers who would eventually use the forthcoming Human Resource Information System (HRIS). The list of these individuals comprised the:

– Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
— Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
— Director of Information Technology (IT)
— Head of the Sales Department
— The entire Staff Recruitment Team

While, indeed, the entire workforce within our organization would interact with the system, at this stage, the primary objective was to ascertain the major HR procedures. Furthermore, I had to recognize existing challenges in order to devise feasible solutions. Since the initial phase necessitates the rudimentary illustration and formalization of each process, automation can only be initiated once we confirm the system’s suitability for its end-users.

Discovering Process Deficiencies

The evaluation stage uncovered some gaps in certain processes. Consider our holiday policies, for example. A lack of a uniform protocol meant that each manager had their own method for maintaining records — resulting in the absence of a centralized calendar that could be used to verify leave data.

Identifying “Ghost” Processes

Another interesting discovery was what we termed a “phantom” process. This pertains to employee termination: an intervention that albeit called for periodically, lacked a standardized procedure. The quandary revolved around appropriate communication and justification for the same, along with questions about the necessary documentation, the final payment process, and the responsible staff for completing the termination process. Therefore, it was necessary to develop, present, and validate answers to these pressing inquiries.

Establishing Priorities: A Strategy for Organizational Change

A host of challenges and issues had been brewing within the confines of our company, escalating to a point where I found myself engrossed in a sea of complexities. There were moments when the enormity of the task appeared insurmountable. “Where should I launch the initiative? What aspects require urgent attention?” I found myself questioning. The search for a comprehensive system capable of addressing all our needs seemed daunting, yet essential.

Formulating a Strategic Approach

With a mindset honed towards finding solutions, I endeavored to tackle the issue in an organized manner. I took the first step by auditing the most pressing human resources quandaries, creating a database of the tasks that demanded immediate consideration.

To involve all key stakeholders in the decision-making process, I asked each manager to assign a value to these difficulties. A score of 1 indicated a low level of importance, implying that the absence of this feature would remain largely unnoticed in the company. On the other hand, a score of 10 signified the vital role an aspect played, to the extent that work would be significantly hampered in its absence. Upon gathering the responses, I then consolidated them into a single chart and tallied up the scores.

Top Priorities Emerge

The data analysis painted a clear picture of our most immediate needs: the speed of position closures (recruitment), onboarding, offboarding, and vacation management proved to be the principal concerns. These areas marked the beginning of my comparative review of HRIS. They stood out as critical elements that demanded rapid enhancement to align our organization effectively and increase operational efficiency.

Devising a Plan of Action

These findings became the driving force that informed my plan of action, serving as the cornerstone for strategic improvements. Identifying these priority areas was not only essential for rectifying the immediate concerns, but also for shaping the future directions of our human resources strategy. The objective was clear: to promptly address these highlighted issues and pave the way for a more effective, efficient, and harmonious workplace.

An Overview of the Modified Process Structure

It’s crucial to underscore that half of the originally assessed processes were non-existent. To elaborate, certain protocols such as training new hires and employment termination were in place, but they lacked uniform governing guidelines. Similarly, recruitment and vacation protocols were operational but lacked clarity due to numerous uncertainties surrounding them. Hence, I found it necessary to examine these processes, identify the most prevalent gaps, and devise an innovative and efficient work model to address these issues.

The Significance of Theory and Documentation in Process Improvement

Why emphasize the significance of theory and solid documentation? It’s because these elements equip you with a deeper comprehension of the core prerequisites for a Human Resource Information System (HRIS). This understanding, in turn, makes it easier to make an informed choice from the multitude of options available, subsequently minimizing the risk of selection mistakes.

Potential Risks of Improper Selection

Such mistakes in selection often materialize when an organization implements a system, only to realize that it lacks a crucial functionality, or that the desired feature is prohibitively expensive. By focusing on theory and documentation in the early stages, companies can significantly reduce the potential for these costly errors.

Choosing the Ideal HRIS

Navigating the preceding stages led to an unexpectedly straightforward and enjoyable task: picking the right Human Resources Information System (HRIS). I methodically enumerated the non-negotiable requirements for each of the top-four categories and cross-examined them during several HRIS demonstrations.

Considering Various HRIS Options

During this phase, we assessed and contemplated a range of HRIS options such as Bamboo HR, People Force, HURMA, SAP, and a few more whose names I no longer remember. However, these additional alternatives failed to satisfy our top criteria and hence were eliminated from consideration. Eventually, People Force claimed victory, albeit by a narrow margin. The equilibrium struck between cost, ease of implementation, user-friendly interfaces, and the necessary modules was found to be most desirable.

Evaluating for Future Requirements

It is crucial to keep in mind not just the key HR functions rated at the top of your list, but also the subsequent areas which might become important down the line. The chosen system should be adaptable enough to accommodate future needs.

For example, we were considering cultivating a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and performance-oriented culture. Implementing such a system separately would be impractical. Consequently, I ensured to include such capabilities in my HRIS comparisons.

Regarding the payroll module, it held no significance for us then, nor was it anticipated to in the ensuing three years.

Striving for the Perfect HRIS

Searching for a system that entirely fulfills all needs is a futile endeavor. In theory, such comprehensive tools do exist on the marketplace. However, in reality these are often overly complex, exorbitantly priced, and a challenge to deploy, educate users on, and maintain for an extended period.

While larger corporations equipped with sizeable IT teams might find such solutions feasible, it did not fit our circumstance. Hence, it’s crucial to remember, the pursuit of the perfect HRIS should be balanced with practicality and adaptability for the best long-term results.

Arranging the Settings

One crucial aspect that I would like to convey in this part is the significant impact of comprehensively delineating your procedures in the initial phases. This approach helps streamline the system’s configuration process tailored to your preferences, thereby guaranteeing its effective performance. Not only will it simplify the set-up, but it will also expedite the overall process, leading to efficient outcomes without causing any setbacks.

Guiding Crucial Users through Training

Achieving a user-friendly experience by creating diverse educational elements — written resources, video content, illustrative images, and explanatory diagrams — is remarkably beneficial. Although developers do provide guides, they can often be viewed as bland and lacking in personal touch.

Creating Customized Training Materials

In order to promote a more engaging learning process , I produced training resources reflecting our own company’s procedures and examples. This approach facilitated the transition for our employees into using the new tool, even for those who were particularly challenged by the transition.

Dealing with the Fear of New Tools

Some individuals who had experienced issues with HRIS were reluctant to adapt to the new system. The unfamiliarity itself posed a challenge, urging them to invest time, proactively learn, and put effort into mastery. It’s completely natural for individuals to default to their comfort zones, but embracing this technological advancement could lead to greater efficiency and productivity.

Executing the Pilot Scheme with the Test Group

A special group was meticulously chosen for the trial phase of the project — the highly self-motivated and responsible recruitment team! They were the first to interact with the system and provided crucial initial operational insights.

Identifying System Errors and Fine-tuning Processes

During the early stage of deployment, I managed to point out setup errors and modify the processes wherever vital. This proactive action was aimed at optimizing the system performance and addressing any teething problems early on.

Conducting One-on-One Interviews

In an effort to discern the potential challenges from a user’s perspective, I conducted personalized interviews with each member of the test group. This initiative not only ensured they felt heard and supported, but it also allowed deeper understanding of the issues at hand.

Preparation for Company-wide Implementation

The lessons learned and the insights gleaned from this preliminary stage were of tremendous value when the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) was introduced to the wider company. The strategy succeeded in generating a smooth transition for the entire workforce, which at that point, constituted approximately 260 individuals.

Initiating a Comprehensive Company-Wide HRIS Implementation

Recognize the Need for Preparation and Gradual Implementation

One of the main aspects to acknowledge is the inherent need for adequate preparation; this process will undoubtedly necessitate a significant duration of time. The introduction of any reform, even those devised for improvement, commonly faces resistance. This reaction stems from a natural aversion to stepping away from the familiar, more so towards an unfamiliar concept or system. Thus, fostering patience is vital. Progress must be methodically paced, ensuring a consistent and guided transition from their customary duties to the novel Human Resource Information System (HRIS).

Acts of Engagement and Selling the Concept

The next crucial point encompasses the meaningful engagement of personnel or harnessing your marketing skills. Instead of coercing employees into adopting the new HRIS, a more effective approach would be to ‘sell’ the concept of working within this fresh setup.

Pose compelling queries such as: What does this system have to offer to your fellow workers? How does life become more manageable with the introduction of the HRIS? Recognize that the motivational factors vary across different team structures. Thus, it becomes essential to pinpoint and target the interests of every group within the organization.

The Presentation Stage and Engagement with Key Personnel

To highlight an example, when we first introduced the HRIS, our presentation began with a discussion of a newly introduced knowledge repository. To ignite curiosity and encourage system usage, our first post had an intentionally intriguing title — “Want a Salary Increase? How to Achieve It?”

Moreover, conducting separate sessions with each manager and team leader became essential aspects of our implementation strategy. I made a point to emphasize how their teams as a whole would benefit from the full utilization of the HRIS. Reflecting on previous complaints and mistakes, I was also able to illustrate how the new system could drastically change everything, leading to more efficient and effective processes.

Achievements One Year Later

Observing the developments over the past year indicates major improvements, highlighted in the following metrics:

Significant Reduction in Simultaneously Open Positions

The recruitment department brought about a notable reduction in the number of positions open at the same time. The number dropped by a strong 60%.

Increased Rate of Position Closures

Notwithstanding, the speed at which vacancies got filled also witnessed a noteworthy increase. Recruitment efforts increased in efficiency, resulting in a 50% faster closure of open positions.

Dipped Turnover Rates During Initial Months

The success of the onboarding process became evident when the rate of turnover in the first three months was cut in half. This significant decline demonstrates enhanced employee retention during the critical initial period in their roles.

Decline in Total Turnover Rates

The positive effect of our revamped HR strategies became apparent in the overall turnover rate, which observed a reduction of 15%. This improved ratio is credited to the efforts of our internal HR team.

Enhanced Ratings on Major Job Platforms

Lastly, reflecting our increased efforts in offboarding processes and HR branding, our company experienced improved ratings on key job platforms. This endorsement from third-party platforms testifies the effectiveness of our strategic actions on both job seekers and employees leaving the company.

Key Accomplishments in a Digital Era

In the wake of transitioning to a more digitized society, a copious number of noteworthy, yet non-digital accomplishments have been made:

Formulating an Unambiguous Organizational Layout
Easily comprehended organizational charts have been devised, ensuring clarity and transparency for all involved.

Promoting Inter-Department Communication
Despite the geographical boundaries and differing time zones that tend to limit interaction within remote work structures, we’ve fostered an environment that encourages quick, hassle-free access to colleagues for inquiries. This is true even for teams that one might not have had the opportunity to work with previously, owing to our fully remote and decentralized operations spread across 60 countries.

Heightening Awareness of Basic Regulations
Our employees are well-informed about the fundamental rules and policies of the organization. Additionally, a handy repository containing all necessary information exists for whenever they need a quick refresher.

An Evolution Towards a Performance-Oriented Culture

After spending another rewarding year reaffirming these fundamentals, we felt the time was ripe for a strategic transition. We began to forge a culture defined by performance-driven values. By cultivating order in rudimentary processes and implementing Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), we’ve opened up pathways to progress. This paradigm shift has elevated our approach to team management, initiating a journey towards achieving higher standards.

Valuable Skills for the Voyage Ahead

Naturally, this formidable and captivating task involves mastering certain competencies. The following skills will prove invaluable to you or anyone embarking on such a journey:

• Change Management
• Project Management
• Understanding of Psychology
• Analytical Abilities
• Strategic Planning
• Assessment of Needs
• Presentation of Benefits
• Patience
• Optimism

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