Exploring Crowdfunding in the Crypto Space: An Insightful Look at ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE)

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10 min readJan 29, 2024

An Introduction to ConstitutionDAO

ConstitutionDAO emerged as a novel decentralized autonomous organization in November 2021, orchestrated by innovators Graham Novak and Austin Cain. Its primary objective was the acquisition of an extremely rare artifact, a 1787 print copy of the American Constitution, of which a mere 13 copies exist around the world.

Making History with Cryptocurrency

This groundbreaking initiative carved its name in the history of DAOs, becoming the maiden project to crowdsource funds for the conservation of a significant historical document in the tangible world.

Fundraising Efforts and Unforeseen Results

The unique undertaking virtually rallied in excess of 17,000 contributors extending their support, amassing a remarkable total exceeding $42 million. Despite its painstaking efforts and enthusiastic community support, ConstitutionDAO could not manage to secure the purchase of the coveted edition of the U.S. Constitution dating back to 1787.

The Legacy of ConstitutionDAO: Inspiration and Lessons Learned

While the mission did not accomplish its exact goal, the project highlighted an innovative pathway for future endeavors aiming to foster tangible change in the real world through blockchain technology. However, on the flip side, the unsuccessful auction result did yield financial loss for those who invested in the initiative.

In the multifaceted world of DAOs, ConstitutionDAO’s journey served as a beacon of innovation, energizing new projects while acting as a sobering reminder of the potential risks involved in such high stakes, ambitious undertakings.

Exploring the Background of ConstitutionDAO

ConstitutionDAO’s establishment is credited to Graham Novak and Austin Cain, two savvy finance professionals residing in Atlanta, Georgia. Their vision , conceived on the popular online community platform Discord, revolved around a rather ambitious idea. They aimed to purchase one of the remaining original 13 copies of the U.S. Constitution from 1787. To realize this admirable endeavor, they initiated fundraising efforts on Juicebox — a well-known crowdfunding platform operating on the Ethereum network.

The Unanticipated Viral Success of ConstitutionDAO

ConstitutionDAO, in an astonishing turn of events, surpassed its initial crowdfunding objective of $20 million within a mere span of five days. From this impressive feat, the platform witnessed its contributor base swelling to over 17,000 unique investors, collectively pooling a staggering $42 million in Ether (ETH). Among this multitude of supporters, around 2,300 were reportedly newcomers to the Ethereum platform.

Rewarding Supporters with PEOPLE tokens

In a move to encourage participation and consolidate investor commitment, contributors were incentivized with PEOPLE tokens. These tokens essentially served as a form of membership, entitling holders to certain privileges within the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Had ConstitutionDAO clinched their bid, token holders would have been given the opportunity to democratically decide on the matter of how and where to exhibit the prestigious document.

Factors Contributing to ConstitutionDAO’s Fame

A noteworthy factor that significantly boosted ConstitutionDAO’s popularity was its strategic utilization of viral elements such as memes. This masterstroke of promotional strategy managed to strike a chord with the public and amplify its reach immensely. Adding to this viral appeal was the organization’s catchy slogan, #WAGBTC, short for “We Are Going to Buy the Constitution”. This audacious statement not only piqued public interest but also became a trending topic in no time.

ConstitutionDAO’s Unsuccessful Venture in Acquiring Historic Document

Despite an impressive fundraising campaign, ConstitutionDAO could not ultimately secure the winning bid on a historic document in November 2021. Kenneth Griffin, the hedge fund billionaire, outbidded ConstitutionDAO’s $42 million offering by a margin of $1.2 million at the renowned Sotheby’s auction. This incident, however, didn’t just mean a loss to the billionaire, but it also sparked widespread criticism of ConstitutionDAO’s transparent bidding strategy.

Public Disclosure of Maximum Bid: A Questionable Strategy?

The group faced backlash for declaring its maximum bid in public. Critics argue that this opened a door for other potential bidders to outmaneuver ConstitutionDAO. In the week following this event, the group was dissolved, offering its members the opportunity to receive a refund by converting their PEOPLE tokens into ETH.

Refunds and Rewards: A Complicated Situation

The offer to convert PEOPLE tokens into Ethereum wasn’t as advantageous as it initially sounded due to the exorbitant Ethereum gas fees. This situation presented a tricky predicament for PEOPLE holders. They would experience a significant financial loss if they decided to swap their tokens for ETH.

ConstitutionDAO: Revolutionizing the Crypto Landscape

Despite the failed bid, ConstitutionDAO managed to etch its name in the annals of crypto history. It was the first DAO project to leverage funds towards acquiring a historical document. This initiative opened a new avenue in the crypto world. It showed how collective resources from a group could be pooled together and fractional ownership could be used in procuring and managing precious items in the physical world.

Lessons Learned and the Path Ahead

However, the endeavor also illuminated the need for major modifications in the utilization of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) for crowdfunding ventures, particularly when dealing with the acquisition of valuable assets. Despite stumbling on this occasion, ConstitutionDAO’s innovative endeavor marked a critical stepping stone that could shape the future of DAO’s involvement in acquiring high-value, physical-world assets.

Understanding the Operations of ConstitutionDAO

Investors in ConstitutionDAO were given a million PEOPLE tokens for each ETH they contributed. This investment not only facilitated engagement in a collective acquisition of a copy of the United States Constitution, but was also meant to grant members smart contract voting rights, which had a role in shaping the projection of the project.

Envisioned Democratic Decision-making Process

Under ideal circumstances, such as if ConstitutionDAO had been successful in winning the Sotheby’s auction bid, subsequent voting procedures would revolve around deciding the display location of the document and the duration of its exhibition. In addition, the future direction of the PEOPLE token holding community was part of what members were supposed to decide on.

The Reality of Voting Power in ConstitutionDAO

Nevertheless, the power to influence future plans through voting did not come to fruition. The label of a decentralized autonomous organization or DAO was ostensibly applied to the community, but it was essentially controlled by a select group of “shadow rulers” who took autonomous decisions absent of community discussions.

For instance, the dissolution of the project occurred without a vote from the community. Although members had the option of receiving refunds, the exorbitant ETH gas fees hindered many PEOPLE token holders from trading their tokens for ETH.

A Fundamental Deviation from DAO Principles

At the heart of a DAO lies the core premise that each member holds voting power. However, this did not hold true for ConstitutionDAO when it came to pivotal decision-making phases. Certain decisions excluded the participation of the numerous holders of PEOPLE tokens, who found themselves devoid of voting power.

Due to this deviation from the basic tenets of a DAO, many critics argue that ConstitutionDAO falls short of the true representation of what can be considered a decentralized autonomous organization.

Understanding the PEOPLE Token

PEOPLE serves as a governance token for ConstitutionDAO, a project that despite its intent, is often viewed as a meme coin. A curious feature of this token is its distinct lack of tangible benefits or utilities. Yet, an interesting contrast worth noting is the project’s assertion that partial ownership of a copy of the U.S. Constitution was not among the privileges conferred to PEOPLE token holders.

The Token’s Purpose According to ConstitutionDAO

ConstitutionDAO has communicated explicitly that PEOPLE tokens do not offer an investment avenue. Rather, they assert that the purchasing of this token should be viewed as a contribution towards the project’s mission. In return for their support, token holders receive governance rights, but not a share in the ownership of the actual document.

However, for some, this stipulation clashes with a prior meme circulated by the project’s founders — “Buy the Constitution”. This contradiction between the project’s message and the expectations it engendered has ignited some controversy.

The Contention of Token Ownership

Despite the official statements, the launch of the PEOPLE token still led some people to believe in the prospect of obtaining fractional ownership in a copy of the U.S. Constitution. There were also those who saw this as an investment opportunity, hoping that the value of PEOPLE tokens would soar. Unfortunately, these speculations weren’t in harmony with ConstitutionDAO’s declared purpose of the PEOPLE token, causing a discord in perceptions.

Understanding ConstitutionDAO’s Governance Dilemma

Beneath the ripples of controversy lies ConstitutionDAO’s governance, with critics pointing to the lack of specific governance details during its operation despite the initial declaration. ConstitutionDAO promised voting rights to holders of PEOPLE tokens, yet the exact parameters of this authority remained vague and unpublished.

Unutilised Democratic Decision-Making

After failing in their bid at Sotheby’s auction, ConstitutionDAO seemingly bypassed the democratic principles it was expected to uphold. According to many angered investors, the team at the helm of ConstitutionDAO made a collection of critical decisions independently, sidestepping the involvement and voting rights of PEOPLE token holders.

A Surprising Refund Offer

In a surprising move, in November 2021, ConstitutionDAO’s core team announced a potential reprieve for those who had invested in PEOPLE tokens. They could claim their funds back — albeit minus the associated Ethereum gas fees — at any moment. This opportunity opened a door for token holders to leverage the fluctuating market prices, potentially profiting in the process.

However, the reality painted a stark contrast. Hefty Ethereum gas fees ended up curtailing swift refunds and effectively inflicting financial damage to those investors trying to retrieve their investment promptly.

A Period of Investor Unrest

The financial damage, coupled with the lack of clear governance policies, incited widespread discontent and a chaotic environment in the aftermath of the failed auction. The shocking revelation that the PEOPLE token would be replaced by a new token named WTP (short for ‘We the People’) added fuel to the fire, surprising many investors who had held onto their tokens.

Flip-Flopping Governance Decisions

As argued by the core team, the planned shift towards the WTP token was justified by the fact that ConstitutionDAO’s initial goal was rendered unattainable. Nevertheless, a sudden pivot occurred merely a day after this announcement. The introduction of the WTP tokens was discarded, and it was declared that PEOPLE tokens would remain the currency of choice for future endeavors.

Adding to the confusion, not long after, a statement was released declaring no foreseeable future for ConstitutionDAO, given the failed attempt at obtaining a copy of the Constitution at auction. This chain of events sparked even more confusion and anger among investors and token holders, questioning the transparency, trust, and governance exhibited by ConstitutionDAO.

When Innovation Meets Disappointment: Recognizing the Rapid Rise and Fall of ConstitutionDAO

In a startlingly short period of time, the initiative known as ConstitutionDAO catapulted to prominence, pulling in tens of thousands of investors and raising a striking sum of dollars in the millions. Yet it was within the same temporal confines that this endeavor heartbreakingly floundered, failing to fulfill its originating purpose and causing a considerable number of its backers to forfeit substantial sums of money.

From Creation to Failure: A Week in ConstitutionDAO

The conceptual birth and disheartening termination of ConstitutionDAO all transpired within a singular seven-day span, leaving its many investors disorientated and aggrieved. Unable to deliver on its charter, the project found itself shorn of its supporters’ trust, with the future path of the scheme conspicuously absent.

Disappointment for Participants

The project’s failure resulted in many participants facing significant losses, contributing to an atmosphere of disillusionment. However, the blows didn’t stop there.

Confusion as PEOPLE Token Becomes Defunct

In an unforeseen twist that only amplified the sense of turmoil, project leaders proclaimed the obsolescence of their PEOPLE token. This announcement was followed by the introduction of a fresh token, only to have the project’s direction revolve completely within the same breath.

Muddled Communications

This cavalcade of critical changes, which undulated over a mere one week, exacerbated the feeling of bewilderment and frustration among the project’s many investors. The rapid events and unclear communications from the project lead to more incongruity and uncertainty, undermining the trust placed by investors.

Future Trends and Predictions for ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) Token

The digital currency, ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE), launched in November 2021, has experienced high price fluctuations since its inception. As of January 26, 2024, the value of PEOPLE is recorded at $0.0269, indicating a significant dip of 85.5% from its peak price of $0.185 seen on December 23, 2021. Interestingly, this price also represents a notable rise of over 2,800% from the absolute low price of $0.0009 recorded on November 21, 2021.

PEOPLE’s Market Performance and Supply

The market capitalization of PEOPLE is set at $137,167,595, coupled with a 24-hour trading volume of $30,556,018. The circulating and maximum supplies of PEOPLE tokens exceed 5 billion. Quality analysis and reputable sources within the industry have predicted various future trends for the PEOPLE token prices.

Expert Price Predictions for PEOPLE Token

CoinCodex, a renowned name in the digital currency industry, has anticipated a potential increase in PEOPLE’s annual peak price. Predictions indicate rises to $0.061 in 2025, $0.094 in 2027, and an impressive $0.26 by the year 2030. On the other hand, projections from DigitalCoinPrice suggest that PEOPLE’s price could hit $0.067 by 2025, exceed the $0.10 milestone in 2027, reaching up to $0.12, and may even advance to $0.20 by 2030. It is noteworthy that both these sources anticipate PEOPLE’s price to outgrow its current all-time high by 2030. However, the token’s financial performance can’t be predicted with absolute certainty, as crypto tokens, especially altcoins, are susceptible to tumultuous volatility. It is particularly important to consider this when the token has been sunsetted and no longer serves any functional utility.

Procedure to Acquire PEOPLE Tokens on CoinUnited.io

Interested investors can purchase PEOPLE tokens on the CoinUnited.io platform through one of two methods. The first involves buying them as a Spot trade pair with Tether (PEOPLE/USDT), and the second is via a USDT Perpetual contract (PEOPLEUSDT). Keep in mind that to carry out these transactions on CoinUnited.io, one must have an active account.

Setting Up Your CoinUnited.io Account

If you don’t possess a CoinUnited.io account yet, creating one is a swift and easy process. Initiate the process by clicking on the sign-up link positioned at the top of the homepage. Follow the system-directed steps to finalize your account setup. After setting up, don’t forget to link your digital wallet before embarking on trading activities.

Final Impressions

Contrary to the perspective of some that may dismiss ConstitutionDAO as an unsuccessful endeavor, its influence in progressing the intent and practicality of upcoming DAO projects cannot be understated. The project was noteworthy in its crowdfunding activities , amassing a significant sum to reach a tangible, real-world objective. This action, in turn, not only nudged the acceptance of cryptocurrency closer to the mainstream but also showcased the potential of such initiatives.

Despite these impressive strides, the final inability to fulfill its intended target highlights the need for enhancement and refinement in subsequent DAO initiatives, especially those centring around crowdfunding. Thus, the narrative surrounding ConstitutionDAO should not be solely about its failure but rather its role as a catalyst for continuous improvement in the DAO space.

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