Phase3 Global Volunteer Program Launched

Coinversation Protocol
Coinversation Protocol
2 min readMay 7, 2021

Phase2 Volunteer Graduation

After the announcement of the volunteer recruitment phase 2, the CoinStar team has been continuing to grow with new friends joining the Coinversation volunteer team. We are very excited to introduce to you all the new volunteers who have officially joined the CoinStar Program.

1. Ah Rong

Volunteer in the Chinese community who has invited about 200 new members to join us.

2. Jimoh Abdulwasiu okandeji

Volunteer in the overseas community, who proactively produced several Coinversation publicity science posters and promoted them in various overseas communities as well as social media platforms.

3. newssyy

Volunteer in the overseas community, who took the initiative to promote Coinversation project, inviting a total of nearly 50 new members to the community.

He constantly provides guidance for new members, answers questions in the group, and actively participates in official topic discussions in the overseas community.

In order to thank CoinStars for their contributions to the prosperity of the community, we will issue token rewards to the above volunteers.

Phase3 Global Volunteer Program Launched

As the project constantly accelerate and the community consensus strengthen, we’ve heard a growing voice wanting to join the volunteer team. Therefore, Coinversation has decided to launch the third phase of global volunteer recruitment. Please see below the application process.

  1. Take a quiz:

2. Wait for the Coinversation team to reach out

3. Accept the invitation to join our group and view the CoinStar work manual

4. Apply for tasks and then perform them on your own

5. Fill in your community activity records on a daily basis

6. Fill in task points every week

7. Check the rewards once every two weeks

8. All CoinStars will be subject to a two-week activeness inspection. Those who fail to pass the inspection will be eliminated from the process. Excellent CoinStars will continue to be re-elected.

Update of Volunteer Incentive Plan

In order to better motivate the volunteers, we formulated a new incentive plan and working mechanism.

Take the Quiz and join the CoinStar family today!


About Coinversation

Coinversation Protocol is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralised contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

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Coinversation Protocol
Coinversation Protocol

Coinversation: Decentralized Synthetic Asset Issuance Platform on Polkadot