[Coinvestor] Algo partner interview : JUNDA(2)

2 min readAug 17, 2023

$JRS : the top-performing strategy, a formidable weapon wielded in the battlefield of financial markets

▶︎ Could you please provide a description of the $JRS strategy?

  • $JRS (JUNDA Rifle Strategy) is a specialized trend-following strategy with a focus on a shorter time frame. It gauges the volatility state within a brief period and enhances this assessment through probabilistic calculations using machine learning on trading data. The strategy operates by fine-tuning its actions according to the computed values, enabling a nimble and adaptable response to market dynamics. Above all, $JRS stands as an algorithmic trading strategy meticulously tuned for volatility.

▶︎ What are the anticipated risks in your $JRS and how are you managing them?

  • The expected risk of the $JRS strategy is the Maximum Drawdown (MDD) aspect, which is a common consideration for all trend-following trades. We are diligently designing and backtesting various strategies to enhance the MDD and minimize potential risks as much as possible.

▶︎ Which investors would you recommend the $JRS strategy to?

  • $JRS is primarily tailored for active investors who are willing to take on certain risks and capitalize on market volatility to generate profits.

▶︎ What is your expected or targeted return on a $JRS strategy in a volatile crypto market?

  • Our target is to achieve an annualized ROI of approximately 80%.

▶︎ Why only buy and sell Ethereum as an investment?

  • Due to the varying volatility levels of different tokens, $JRS is currently optimized for Ethereum’s volatility. We are actively working on optimizing the volatility for each token, and once verified, we will sequentially open them for investment opportunities.

▶︎ How does the $JRS strategy optimize capturing and responding to short-term trends?

  • $JRS uses proprietary off-chain data, developed through years of experience and optimization, to determine event value in the current market conditions. It then automatically selects entry and exit methods based on the estimated value of the event.

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