8 Best Altcoins July 2018

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8 min readJul 16, 2018

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As we enter July, the bear market of the last few months continues, and yet, as always, opportunities abound if you can identify the right projects. Catered just for you, here is our selection of the best altcoins for July:

Phantasma ($SOUL)

What is Phantasma ($SOUL)

Phantasma is building a fast and secure decentralized network for content distribution. Currently running on the NEO blockchain, the project has already launched a first demo Dapp named Phantasma Mail, which won a city of Zion Dapp competition in late 2017, to showcase the potential of data management and content-sharing within a decentralized network. With a focus on privacy and security, the platform is also designed with interoperability with off-chain applications at its core, overcoming issues with legacy systems interoperability. It will support a number of content exchange features including email, chat, files, money transfers, etc.

Why we like Phantasma ($SOUL)

This is an ambitious project that is addressing a number of issues at the same time. Once the blockchain is deployed, it will provides users with decentralized content storage and distribution, bypassing the need for third party services. Further, it will enable Dapp-building on top of its ecosystem at reduced contract and storage costs. It boasts a solid team and considerable community engagement. It has been trading for just a month, mostly on KuCoin, and has so far fallen under the radar of investors. It is a strong early entry bet.

Current price: 0.00002097 BTC

Term: Medium — Long

Risk: Medium — High

Metronome ($MET)

What is Metronome ($MET)

Metronome is developing a blockchain-agnostic token that tries to address issues of cross-chain interoperability, self-governance and portability. The team defines their token as a “new cryptocurrency, engineered for institutional-level endurance”. In essence, $MET is designed to address many of blockchain technology issues today, with a roadmap based on longevity. The token has been launched as an ERC827 on the Ethereum blockchain just a week ago, after a successful USD$12 million ICO.

Why we like Metronome ($MET)

Metronome is a very new project in the crypto sphere that is working on a very ambitious goal, a multi-blockchain capable token. While it currently exists only in its Ethereum form, it will soon be tradable on the Bitcoin and Qtum networks. After about a week on IDEX and gate.io, the token is already up almost 200% from ICO price. We expect it to continue to greatly increase in the weeks to come, and more so once it is listed on a bigger exchange.

Current price: 0.00062183 BTC BTC

Term: Medium

Risk: Medium

Remme ($REM)

What is Remme ($REM)

In today’s digital world nothing is more important than security, and perhaps complex passwords don’t quite cut it anymore. This is the premise behind Remme, a blockchain project that is making passwords obsolete by deploying a decentralized public key infrastructure (PKI) with a set of Dapps enabling passwordless authentication for users and devices. A PKI is a set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption, based on the system used by banking and corporate security structures.

Why we like Remme ($REM)

From a fundamental analysis point of view, Remme’s proposal is very enticing, as it addresses, with an original and unique solution, one of the biggest issues in the crypto-universe today; security. It will also support masternodes, which we always see as a plus. At a small market cap of USD$8 million, the REM token has now receded from its May high of 324 satoshis to just above 210 satoshis today. It seems to be reaching the bottom with the RSI approaching oversold levels just before releasing its testnet on the 16th of July.

Current price: 0.00000205 BTC

Term: Medium — Short

Risk: Medium — High

Cardano ($ADA)

What is Cardano ($ADA)

This month’s only pick from the top 10, Cardano is a smart contract supporting third generation blockchain. Its ecosystem offers improved capabilities and addresses issues of scalability, interoperability and sustainability found in the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains, being the only popular DLT project that markets itself as being built on scientific philosophy and peer-reviewed academic research. Its focus on adapting to be compliant to emerging state and authority regulations makes it particularly appealing for adoption by e-commerce operators.

Why we like Cardano ($ADA)

$ADA’s price action in the last week seems extremely promising. The bearish trend seems to have been officially reversed. After losing 50% of its value between the beginning of May and the end of June, last week saw $ADA considerably outperforming any other coin in the top 10. The fact that $ADA is relatively more detached from the BTC price than most of its peers, with many of the trades being made against Tether, rather than BTC, gives it a bit of price movement freedom from global market trends. It is now starting on an upward break that should see considerable gains in the month to come, as investors that have so far been on the sidelines take advantage of $ADA’s reduced price.

Current price: 0.00002418 BTC

Term: Medium

Risk: Medium


What is NEO ($NEO)

NEO has become a household name for anyone familiar with the crypto universe. The so-called “Chinese Ethereum”, builds and improves on the original Ethereum design, supporting smart contracts and asset tokenization, while boosting an improved Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and acts as a dividend paying token, rewarding NEO token holders in the form of GAS.

Why we like NEO ($NEO)

The fundamentals of NEO are proven over and over again. Today, the Chinese government-backed platform is at the front-end of the market, with a number of projects launching and running on its platform and with a transaction processing capacity that, at 10 thousand tps, far outdoes those of Ethereum and Bitcoin. At the moment, NEO has just rebounded from a 3 month low at 0.0048BTC and has started to climb slightly and gathering volume. It is a good moment to grab a bag, particularly as the team prepares to launch its third version of the white paper, which historically has always gathered a lot of investor attention.

Current price: 0.00562 BTC

Term: Medium-Short

Risk: Medium-low

OmiseGO ($OMG)

What is OmiseGO ($OMG)

Ranking at 19th by market capitalization, OmiseGO and its token $OMG, are well known names in the cryptosphere. Running on top of the Ethereum blockchain, OmiseGo is building a decentralized financial transaction and exchange platform focused on scalability. It is backed by Omise, a Thai company focused on disruptive payment systems that already has a payment network that is accepted by McDonalds and Alipay, and that it will supplement with the OmiseGo platform. It counts Ethereum-founder, Vitalik Buterin amongst its advisors and supporters.

Why we like OmiseGO ($OMG)

After two months of consistent price fall against BTC, retracing over 50% in value, $OMG seems to have broken the trend and is now on ascending line. Indicators give good reason to believe it will continue to do so in the weeks to come, particularly as the team prepares to launch its Plasma decentralized exchange during the third quarter. It is a good moment to take on a bag.

Current price: 0.00125721 BTC

Term: Medium — Long

Risk: Medium — Low

CardStack ($CARD)

What is CardStack ($CARD)

Cardstack is developing an open-source software ecosystem that wants to rival the over dominance of today’s tech giants. It does this by offering a software development kit for developers that operates as a plug-in to the blockchain. This allows developers to build apps as they would for mobile and desktops while using the functionalities of the blockchain’s peer-to-peer structure, without actually having to understand the blockchain architecture.

Why we like CardStack ($CARD)

Cardstack’s value proposition is extremely appealing as it promises to democratize blockchain capabilities for developers across many areas. This facilitation can greatly operationalize blockchain capable apps and therefore offers a very compelling product for the use of its token CARD. It just started trading today on IDEX and suffered a panic sell. It is now trading at nearly one third of its ICO price of USD$0.0170, despite its strong team, project and continued development. When the dust settles, and as soon as it lists on a couple more exchanges, whoever bought it at this value will likely not be disappointed.

Current price: 0.00000102 BTC

Term: Short — Medium

Risk: High

Dragonchain ($DRGN)

What is Dragonchain ($DRGN)

Dragonchain and its native token $DRGN were first drafted by a team belonging to Disney and then handed off to the Dragon Chain foundation, a non-profit. It is a blockchain as a service approach that allows companies and services to make use of blockchain tech without needing to understand it. Amongst other goals, one of the main objectives of the project is to create an incubator for blockchain projects to be launched in, a service exclusive to projects holding a considerable number of $DRGN.

Why we like Dragonchain ($DRGN)

Since its great high of January 2018, much like the rest of the market, when $DRGN topped 33000 satoshis, the token has been progressively tumbling down in the charts. Last week, $DRGN reached, for the first time this year, December 2017 lows, bottoming at 3800 satoshis, a nearly 90% retrace since ATH. I has since started to recover. Indicators seem to signal the token has bottomed out and that a strong trend reversal is on its way. In the meantime, on the 31st of July, the team will be deploying an ETC interchain library smart contract and adding decentralized L1 Capabilities for the Ethereum blockchain, which should bring some attention to this strong, albeit depressed project that could bring considerable gains for those that buy the bottom.

Current price: 0.00004439 BTC

Term: — Long

Risk: — Medium — High

And there you go, your best choices for the bold month of July. Stay tuned for our upcoming updates, alerts and interesting articles.
Happy trading.

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We are stating our vision and opinions, we are not giving you financial advice and if you invest in this project it is your full responsibility. You are investing at your own risk. Always invest only what you can afford to lose and try to diversify your investments. Finally, do your own homework and learn about the project use case, roadmap and team.

Originally published at www.coinvision.co on July 1st.

