
Liangliang Faith
Published in
38 min readNov 14, 2023

来自微信公众号:特约评论员 刑辩理想主义 2023–11–13 21:14 发表于日本

A question about the Wuxi Liang Liang case: Who stole the huge assets that were confiscated?


In July and September 2023, the case involving Liang Liang and others, suspected of running a pyramid scheme, was publicly tried in the Xishan District Court of Wuxi. Liang Liang and six other defendants were charged with organizing and leading pyramid selling activities. In simple terms, Liang Liang and his team developed the Coinxp public blockchain and built the Hubdex digital asset exchange on it. The code was stored on Github, with servers set up in Hong Kong’s Alibaba Cloud and Amazon in the USA. User assets were custodied at Cobo, and their community activities were organized in places like Sichuan, Chongqing, and Hangzhou. Despite Hubdex operating normally without any user complaints of financial loss, Wuxi police initiated a criminal investigation in early 2021, arresting the team’s six members from various locations to bring them to Wuxi. This highly controversial case revealed shocking issues in both the substance and procedure of the judicial process. The most prominent issue was the alleged embezzlement by Wuxi police of the huge amount of virtual currency confiscated (20.00055611 Bitcoin, 100.09 Ethereum, 403607.8788 USDC, worth nearly ten million yuan).


As is commonly known, in criminal cases, the confiscation of assets involved in a crime is only a temporary measure. Law enforcement agencies must properly safeguard these assets. If the accused are ultimately found innocent, the confiscated assets should be fully returned. Even if the accused are convicted, these assets must be turned over to the state treasury and disposed of according to law. There is no justification for the investigating authorities to privately distribute these assets. In this case, the virtual currencies worth tens of millions of yuan disappeared after being controlled by the Wuxi police, raising significant suspicions about their involvement.

一、漏洞百出的扣押程序 Flaws in the Confiscation Procedure


To begin with, it’s important to note that holders of virtual currencies typically manage their assets using digital wallets. A single digital wallet can control multiple addresses, where an address functions like an account for storing virtual currency. The mnemonic phrase is akin to the password for these accounts; possessing the mnemonic phrase allows one to control the virtual currency within the digital wallet. Due to the decentralized nature of virtual currencies, there is no central transaction settlement center like a bank, nor is there an operation to “freeze” an account in the conventional sense.


In this case, on April 14, 2021, Wuxi police conducted a cross-provincial arrest of Liang Liang and others. The law enforcement video shows that investigators entered Liang Liang’s home at 7:52 AM, confiscating his mobile phone, a notebook recording mnemonic phrases, mnemonic phrase boards, and other items. By 9:57 AM, Liang Liang was taken away by the police. This is confirmed by Liang Liang’s “Summon Certificate” and the first “Interrogation Record.” This means that at this time, the Wuxi police had already taken control of these virtual currencies.


Interestingly, the Wuxi police did not conduct a comprehensive inventory of the various virtual currencies they controlled, as required by regulations. According to Liang Liang’s recollections, at his insistence, the police issued a confiscation list on the morning of April 15th, which recorded the types and total amounts of virtual currencies confiscated. This list included the later “lost” 20.00055611 BTC, 100.09 ETH, and 403607.8788 USDC. However, this confiscation list was neither given to Liang Liang nor transferred with the case file, and it subsequently disappeared in the later judicial process.


Subsequently, the Wuxi police produced an “Electronic Data On-site Extraction Record.” This record, however, lacked signatures from witnesses and did not have accompanying video recordings. The time noted for the creation of this record was “from 08:00 AM to 12:30 PM on April 14, 2021,” and the location was stated as Liang Liang’s home. However, as mentioned earlier, the Wuxi police were only engaged in searching and seizing items at Liang Liang’s home and had left by 9:57 AM. There was no electronic data inspection work conducted during this time. This discrepancy suggests that the record was fabricated.


Even more peculiar is that throughout the trial, neither the Xishan District Procuratorate of Wuxi City, the Xishan District Court, nor the defense lawyers ever saw the seized mobile phones, notebooks, or mnemonic phrase boards, especially the mobile phone that had access to the digital wallets. There is no information on when the Wuxi police conducted electronic data inspections on these devices or if they performed any other operations on them.

二、被隐匿的虚拟地址 Hidden Virtual Addresses


Despite the numerous procedural flaws, this fabricated “Electronic Data On-site Extraction Record” ironically became a key clue pointing towards the potential misconduct of the Wuxi police, specifically the suspicion of them embezzling the assets they were supposed to safeguard.


In this record, the Wuxi police logged into Liang Liang’s digital wallet (imToken) using the mnemonic phrase they had seized and used a dedicated phone for this purpose. They took photographs of the phone screen, which clearly showed that there were nine ETH (Ethereum) virtual addresses in the digital wallet. Subsequently, they searched online to determine the cryptocurrency balance of each address and recorded the addresses, balances, and other information in a file named “Liang Liang Virtual Coin Wallet Currency Balance Information.xlsx.”


However, when the defense lawyers opened the file “Liang Liang Virtual Coin Wallet Currency Balance Information.xlsx” from the case file, they shockingly discovered that it only contained eight ETH virtual addresses, not nine as initially recorded. The missing address, 0xBe717d2e64a6660FE9a9a18c5d93483633b4c134, was the one holding the substantial amount of virtual currency — 100.09 Ethereum and 403607.8788 USDC, amounting to several million yuan in value.


On April 30, 2021, the police visited Liang Liang at the detention center and requested him to sign a “Virtual Asset Confiscation Notification Form.” Remarkably, this notification form, compared to the previously mentioned “Liang Liang Virtual Coin Wallet Currency Balance Information.xlsx” file, had even fewer addresses listed. The three previously recorded BTC (Bitcoin) virtual addresses were all missing, including the address 36xuD2dSZzdVoHw2K6DXeZrUWtooBMSQ9i, which contained 20.00055611 BTC (Bitcoins), equivalent to several million yuan.


This means that during the investigation of this case by the Wuxi police, at least ten million yuan worth of virtual currency was intentionally concealed from the beginning.


Even more absurdly, the 13 addresses for confiscated virtual currencies listed in the “Virtual Asset Confiscation Notification Form” were sequential numbers. As is commonly known, virtual currency storage addresses are randomly composed of English letters (both uppercase and lowercase) and Arabic numerals. However, in this notification form, the first 37 characters and the last 3 characters of the 13 recorded 42-character virtual addresses were exactly the same, and only the 38th and 39th characters displayed sequential numbers from 10 to 22.


The probability of obtaining 13 consecutive, identical 42-character random sequences in the context of virtual currency addresses is astronomically low, to the point of being practically impossible with current human computational capabilities. Virtual currency addresses, especially those for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are generated through cryptographic algorithms that ensure each address is unique and randomly generated. The likelihood of even two addresses being identical, let alone 13 with such a specific pattern, is exceedingly rare.


Upon verification, the defense lawyers unsurprisingly found that all the addresses listed, except for the first one, were fake.

三、被转移的虚拟货币 Transferred Virtual Currency


So, where did the virtual currency in the hidden addresses go?


As mentioned earlier, once the police had access to the virtual addresses and the mnemonic phrases of the digital wallets, they effectively controlled the virtual currency within. After tallying the amounts, they were supposed to transfer these assets to addresses controlled by the police themselves. A key characteristic of virtual currency is that every transaction, including its time, amount, and addresses, can be searched and verified through public channels.

By conducting searches on blockchain explorers, it was found that the process of transferring virtual currency by the police in this case continued from April 15, 2021, until May 12, 2021. Notably, on April 21 and 22, the Wuxi police carried out multiple transfers of virtual currency. Coincidentally, the virtual currency in the hidden addresses was also transferred during the same period.


(1) On April 15, 2021, at 23:12, the Wuxi police transferred 10 USDC, a virtual currency confiscated from Liang Liang, into an address controlled by the police, 0x499719e699ABc518Ee8e66DDA6E5ecb95fA10Dba.

(2)2021年4月21日 08:47,无锡公安将自同案被告王阳处扣押的虚拟货币0.01个BTC转入公安控制的地址bc1q9px96p0sqzkumahdcpa2r79snvn3afq3d7y2mr。

(2) On April 21, 2021, at 08:47, the Wuxi police transferred 0.01 BTC, a virtual currency confiscated from Wang Yang, a co-defendant in the same case, into a police-controlled address, bc1q9px96p0sqzkumahdcpa2r79snvn3afq3d7y2mr.


(3) On April 22, 2021, at 03:13, the 403607.8788 USDC stored in the previously hidden address 0xBe717d2e64a6660FE9a9a18c5d93483633b4c134 were transferred to the address 0xf94961b588dbe213c07a8e58b3fa7c2577c66f4d.


(4) On April 22, 2021, at 03:19, the same address 0xBe717d2e64a6660FE9a9a18c5d93483633b4c134 was used to transfer 100.09 ETH, with the receiving address also being 0xf94961b588dbe213c07a8e58b3fa7c2577c66f4d.


(5) On April 22, 2021, at 04:01, the 20.00055611 BTC stored in another previously hidden address, 36xuD2dSZzdVoHw2K6DXeZrUWtooBMSQ9i, were transferred to the address 3CR5Ev2Buiu2yGPxnCp7PkmUa5pmzqyDo.




(7) On April 22, 2021, at 08:18, the Wuxi police transferred 10.01303860 BTC of virtual assets confiscated from Wang Yang, with the receiving address again being bc1q9px96p0sqzkumahdcpa2r79snvn3afq3d7y2mr. Later the same day, the Wuxi police also transferred other types of virtual assets confiscated from Wang Yang into their own collection address.


It’s quite evident that the transfer of virtual currency from the hidden addresses, as well as the transfer of virtual currency from the officially registered and acknowledged addresses by the Wuxi police, is a continuous and coherent process. This pattern of asset movement indicates a systematic approach to managing the seized virtual currencies. The linkage between the transfers from both the hidden and acknowledged addresses suggests a coordinated effort in handling these assets.

四、嫌疑 Suspicion


Facing the disappearance of a huge amount of confiscated property, how did the Wuxi police explain it?


On May 3, 2021, the Cybersecurity Brigade of the Wuxi City Public Security Bureau issued a “Situation Explanation.” They stated that when they arrested Liang Liang, they had registered the quantities of various types of virtual currencies he possessed on the spot. On April 29, they decided to transfer and preserve Liang Liang’s virtual currencies, only to find that the 20.00055611 BTC stored in the address 36xuD2dSZzdVoHw2K6DXeZrUWtooBMSQ9i (the second hidden address) had already been transferred elsewhere. Due to the unique nature of blockchain virtual currencies, controlling the mnemonic phrase corresponding to a virtual currency wallet allows control over all the virtual currencies in that wallet. The report mentioned, “In this case, it cannot be ruled out that other individuals, along with Liang Liang, had joint possession of this wallet.”


The explanation provided by the Wuxi police is clearly problematic for several reasons:

  1. Timing of the Transfer: The Wuxi police claimed they decided to transfer the virtual currency on April 29, but they had already transferred 10 USDC from Liang Liang’s wallet to their controlled address on April 15. This inconsistency in the timeline raises questions about the accuracy and honesty of their statement.
  2. Missing Address in the Notification Form: Despite acknowledging the existence of the address containing 20.00055611 BTC and discovering the transfer of these funds on April 29, this particular address was notably absent in the “Virtual Asset Confiscation Notification Form” that Liang Liang was asked to sign on April 30. This omission is suspicious and lacks transparency.
  3. Simultaneous Transfer of Assets: The three cryptocurrency transactions (BTC, ETH, and USDC) were all transferred within the same time frame that the Wuxi police were moving assets. This coincidence suggests the involvement of someone with intimate knowledge and control of these operations, casting doubt on the assertion that an unknown third party was responsible.
  4. Selective Disclosure of Information: The Wuxi police provided an explanation for the missing BTC but failed to mention the initially hidden 100.09 ETH and 403607.8788 USDC, even though they were also transferred on the same day as the BTC. Given that these currencies were linked to the same mnemonic phrase and wallet as the BTC, it’s implausible that the police would notice the disappearance of the BTC without also noticing the missing ETH and USDC.


The situation becomes even more bizarre considering the actions, or lack thereof, taken by the Wuxi police following the issuance of their statement on May 3, 2021, about the missing coins. Despite being aware of the lost virtual currency as early as 2021, they did not initiate a formal investigation into this loss until 2023. This delay raises serious questions about their conduct and response to the situation. Investigations in such cases are not just a matter of making a statement; they require tangible evidence and formal procedures, none of which appear to have been adequately pursued by the Wuxi police. Furthermore, it’s peculiar that they only verbally communicated the so-called “filing of the case” through the prosecutor’s office without providing any substantial case file documentation.


Moreover, there are serious concerns about the Wuxi police’s handling of the virtual currencies from the start. They arrested Liang Liang and gained control over the virtual currencies on April 14, 2021, but allegedly did not begin transferring these currencies until April 30, 2021. This slow response could be seen as negligence at best and, if the police themselves were involved in the transfer, could amount to embezzlement. Either way, the Wuxi police themselves are suspects in the disappearance of the currency, and it seems inappropriate for them to investigate the case independently. Ideally, this matter should be investigated by an external prosecutorial or supervisory body to ensure impartiality and thoroughness in the investigation.

五、总结 Summary


To summarize, the sequence of events in this case is quite clear:

  1. Initial Concealment: At the outset of the Wuxi police’s investigation, virtual currencies worth tens of millions of yuan were already hidden.
  2. Simultaneous Transfer: As the Wuxi police were transferring other confiscated assets, the hidden virtual currencies were also moved elsewhere.
  3. Inaction and Delay: Over two years after the disappearance of the currencies, the Wuxi police showed no significant action. Only after continuous allegations by the defendants and their lawyers did the police claim to start an investigation.
  4. Sudden Suspect: The brother of the accused, who had been advocating for Liang Liang from the United States, was suddenly named as a suspect in the theft of the currencies.
  5. Questionable Investigation: The investigation into the missing currencies arguably should not have been conducted by the Wuxi police themselves due to the inherent conflict of interest.


The truth of the matter seems to be emerging, and there is an anticipation to see whether the prosecutorial and supervisory authorities in Wuxi and Jiangsu will fulfill their responsibilities in investigating and clarifying this case. The situation calls for an unbiased and thorough examination by these higher authorities to ensure justice and accountability.

