
Liangliang Faith
Published in
9 min readSep 25, 2023

【Weibo Selection】The Truth Behind the Wuxi Liang Liang Wrongful Case


by a Hubdex Community member/Hub investor

Named (on Weibo):无锡梁亮冤案法匪最后的疯狂
The final madness of the legal bandits in the wrongful case of Liang Liang in Wuxi

23–9–17 19:44 发布于 四川 来自 荣耀X30 5G



  1. There are no informants (either fake or arranged by the squid party).
  2. There are no victims; no investor has complained about losing money due to a wrong investment.
  3. It did not disrupt market order; everything has been running according to blockchain technology rules since HuB started, with no negative impact on market economic order.
  4. There was no inducement or coercion; all purchases were made voluntarily by investors. It is purely market behavior, with buy and sell occurring simultaneously.
  5. There is no hierarchical advantage. Benefits are derived either from the timing of coin purchases by investors or from the transaction volume of coins in exchanges (it is entirely based on the Chinese securities trading model).
  6. The project does not violate any national laws and regulations. The technical team has been improving the project technology since the development began, adhering to the moral classics of “Tao Te Ching” as the operation philosophy, promoting many positive spirits and thoughts, and winning the trust of many investors.
  7. Since its operation, the project has not caused any loss or damage to the nation, collective, or individual and has never received complaints or queries from any regions or communities.
  8. The project has been open, public, and market-oriented since it started, received universal recognition from users, solved employment problems, and relieved national burdens.
  9. The project is a research project born out of many economic and social problems at a certain stage of internet development, which will promote the healthy development of the internet and the digital economy in China.
  10. Any innovative project is extremely difficult in the early stages and will have imperfections and flaws, but it should not be suppressed.

However, the Wuxi law enforcement, in order to gain profit, abused national public power resources and suppressed the project’s technical team with various illegal and malicious methods. They continuously changed the charges, such as cybercrime, illegal fundraising, and fraud, to ban and strangle the initial innovative project. The unlawful actions were resisted by all investors and users.

Therefore, a special warning to Wuxi law enforcement:

  1. No matter what unlawful means you adopt, we will fight with Liang Liang and never give up!
  2. No matter what malicious methods you use to define this case as a crime, we will continue to protest lawfully until the culprit is brought to justice.
  3. The project is a highly innovative blockchain technology in the rapid development of the internet, a potential project to promote the development of the private economy, and an important research project to regulate the development of the internet. If it is strangled, you will be the culprit in destroying technological innovation development and obstructing the development of the private economy. You will eventually not escape legal sanctions!!!

