
Liangliang Faith
Published in
16 min readAug 3, 2023


Wuxi Liang Liang Case Trial Observation | The Xishan Court on High Alert


On July 24, 2023, Liang Liang and others were suspected of organizing and leading pyramid scheme activities, and the case was brought to trial in the Xishan District Court in Wuxi, Jiangsu.


On the way to the court for the trial observation, I noticed that the area around the Xishan District Court was cordoned off, with police officers stationed at every intersection, traffic police patrolling back and forth to maintain traffic, and even forest police being called in for duty. After going through a lengthy temporary security check channel and four security screening procedures, I was finally able to enter the court. Observing the various courtrooms within the courthouse, I noticed that there were no other trials taking place at the same time. This was destined to be no ordinary trial!


A security check channel specifically set up for this case. The Xishan District Court specially constructed a temporary security check channel for this case. The channel, made up of a framework approximately one hundred meters long, extends from the courthouse entrance along the wall to another street. A security checkpoint is set up at the entrance to the channel, and large blocks of ice are placed inside the channel to cool it down. Those entering the court must first be inspected at the security checkpoint, then walk through the channel to the security checkpoint at the courthouse entrance. After being checked again, they enter the court’s security room for further inspection, and then enter the courthouse, undergoing yet another security check before entering the courtroom.

令人不解的是,锡山区法院有什么权利在围墙外面架设临时安检通道?根据《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》(国务院令第101号) 第十四条的规定:“任何单位和个人都不得在街道两侧和公共场地堆放物料,搭建建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施。因建设等特殊需要,在街道两侧和公共场地临时堆放物料,搭建非永久性建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施的,必须征得城市人民政府市容环境卫生行政主管部门同意后,按照有关规定办理审批手续。” 《江苏省城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》 第十四条规定:“任何单位和个人不得擅自在街道两侧和公共场地堆放物料,搭建建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施。因建设等特殊需要,在街道两侧和公共场地临时堆放物料、搭建临时设施的,应当征得市容环卫管理部门同意,并按照国家有关规定办理其他审批手续。”

What is puzzling is what authority the Xishan District Court has to set up a temporary security check channel outside its walls? According to Article 14 of the ‘Regulations on Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management’ (Order №101 of the State Council): ‘No unit or individual shall pile materials, build buildings, structures, or other facilities on both sides of the streets and public places. For temporary storage of materials, erection of non-permanent buildings, structures, or other facilities for construction or other special needs on both sides of the streets and public places, consent must be obtained from the urban administrative department in charge of urban appearance and environmental sanitation, and the approval procedures shall be carried out according to relevant regulations.’ Article 14 of the ‘Jiangsu Province Regulations on Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management’ stipulates: ‘No unit or individual may pile materials, build buildings, structures, or other facilities on both sides of the streets and public places without authorization. For temporary storage of materials or erection of temporary facilities on both sides of the streets and public places for construction or other special needs, consent must be obtained from the department in charge of urban appearance and environmental sanitation management, and other approval procedures shall be carried out in accordance with relevant national regulations.


It is unclear whether the Xishan District Court has gone through the required approval procedures for the construction. If not, it is evidently an unauthorized construction and should be immediately dismantled, and those responsible should be held accountable according to the law.


What is the purpose of shoe removal during security checks? After entering the court’s security room, observers were required to remove their shoes for inspection, a procedure even more stringent than airport security checks. What is the necessity of this? After removing their shoes, everyone shared a pair of slippers. What if someone contracts athlete’s foot?


A new storage cabinet specifically purchased for the Liang Liang case. Inside the court’s security room, there is a storage cabinet for personal belongings. The protective film has not been removed, clearly indicating that it’s newly purchased. It is speculated that it was specifically acquired for the Liang Liang case.


Mobile phones are not allowed in the courthouse. Observers are required to store their mobile phones in the cabinets in the security room. What I want to know is, which law stipulates that mobile phones cannot be brought into the courthouse, and who gave the Xishan District Court this authority?

最高人民法院《人民法院司法警察安全检查规则》第十三条的规定:“除经人民法院许可,下列物品不得携带进入诉讼场所:(一)枪支、弹药、刀具以及其他具有杀伤力的器具;(二)易燃易爆物、疑似爆炸物;(三)放射性、毒害性、腐蚀性、强气味性物质以及传染病病原 体;(四)非急救类药品、液体及肢状、粉末状物品;(五)标语、条幅、传单;(六)其他可能危害诉讼场所安全或者妨害诉讼秩序的物品。《人民法院法庭规则》第十七条规定:“全体人员在庭审活动中应当服从审判长或独任审判员的指挥,尊重司法礼仪,遵守法庭纪律,不得实施下列行为:(一)鼓掌、喧哗;(二)吸烟、进食;(三)拨打或接听电话;(四)对庭审活动进行录音、录像、拍照或使用移动通信工具等传播庭审活动。”

Article 13 of the “Rules for Security Checks by Judicial Police of the People’s Court” issued by the Supreme People’s Court stipulates: “Unless permitted by the People’s Court, the following items may not be brought into the litigation venue: (1) firearms, ammunition, knives, and other lethal weapons; (2) flammable and explosive materials, suspected explosives; (3) radioactive, toxic, corrosive, and strong-smelling substances, as well as pathogens of infectious diseases; (4) non-emergency medications, liquids, and limb-shaped or powdery substances; (5) slogans, banners, leaflets; (6) other items that may endanger the safety of the litigation venue or disrupt the order of litigation. Article 17 of the “People’s Court Courtroom Rules” stipulates: “All personnel during court hearings shall obey the commands of the presiding judge or sole adjudicator, respect judicial etiquette, abide by courtroom discipline, and shall not engage in the following actions: (1) clapping, shouting; (2) smoking, eating; (3) making or receiving phone calls; (4) recording, filming, photographing or using mobile communication tools to broadcast court hearing activities.


The courtroom rules do not prohibit bringing mobile phones into the courtroom; they only stipulate that making or receiving phone calls, recording, filming, photographing, etc., is not allowed. What is not authorized by law cannot be done. The Xishan District Court’s prohibition against observers bringing mobile phones into the court is unlawful!


The observation room is empty, but the public is not allowed to enter. The trial for this case took place in the courtroom on the first floor, which has a public gallery with over sixty seats, not yet filled. At the same time, the court set up a video observation room on the second floor, with about fifty seats, sparsely occupied by fewer than ten people. In other words, there were plenty of seats available for observing the trial, yet several members of the public were not allowed inside to observe, and no matter how they applied, it was in vain. Some who requested to observe were even taken directly to the police station by the police. Clearly, the actions of the Xishan District Court have seriously infringed on the people’s right to observe the trial and are in severe violation of the provisions of the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Law.


Is this treating the people like enemies? Treating the participants and observers of this case in such a way, does this resemble the behavior of a court? Where is the appearance of a fair trial?

