狗凶酒酸,主政者不可以不兢慎!When the dog is fierce and the wine turns sour, those in charge must be especially careful and vigilant!

—— 致杜小刚书记 To Secretary Du Xiaogang

Liangliang Faith
29 min readSep 30, 2023


Dear Secretary Du Xiaogang of the Wuxi Municipal Committee


We are Attorney Zhang Qingfang from Beijing Handing United Law Firm and Ms. Lin Kai, a citizen of Beijing. Today, we are writing to you due to the actions of the Wuxi Public Security Bureau under your leadership, which has jurisdiction over the so-called Hubdex organization and the leading pyramid selling crime case. The case seems unrelated to Wuxi. During the handling of the case, they forcibly exercised jurisdiction, engaged in profit-driven law enforcement in different places, and retaliated against the petitioners, who had been deprived of their investment rights worth hundreds of millions of yuan, in a vindictive and blatant manner. They blatantly used criminal coercive measures to intimidate and retaliate against the family members of the parties involved.

We had no choice but to write this letter to you, hoping that you can uphold justice, investigate the responsibilities of the related illegal and disorderly actions of the Wuxi Public Security Bureau, and clear the name of Liang Liang and other founders of the CoinXP public chain, which serves as the foundation for Hubdex!


The CoinXP public chain project was founded by entrepreneurial talents like Liang Liang, Wang Yang, and Chen Hua, who returned to China after studying in prestigious universities such as Tsinghua and Peking University. They established a foundation in Singapore and introduced venture investments from domestic and foreign institutions to build a digital asset trading infrastructure using cutting-edge blockchain technology. This project is innovative and has received extensive cooperation and recognition from well-known institutions, project parties, and media in the blockchain technology industry. The main participants in this project are located in places like Chengdu and Beijing, and there are tens of thousands of investors worldwide, all of whom have no connection with Wuxi.

Wuxi Public Security, under the pretext that a resident from Zhumadian, Henan, Wang Fengtao, who lives in an underground garage of a residential community in Xishan District, invested ninety thousand yuan in Hub coin, forcefully exercised jurisdiction and arrested six people, including the technical team of CoinXP public chain Liang Liang and the operational team of the Hubdex community from different locations, in early 2021. This happened even though no one in Wuxi filed a complaint, and no one suffered any losses due to the Hubdex project. They also confiscated digital assets worth more than two hundred million yuan entrusted on the CoinXP public chain by ten thousand users nationwide.


After this case was sent to the Xishan Procuratorate for review and prosecution, Liang Liang’s lawyer, with the entire case file, consulted renowned experts in criminal law, criminal procedure law, and e-commerce law in China, including Professor Liu Yanhong from China University of Political Science and Law, Professor Zhou Guangquan from Tsinghua University, Professor Wang Yong from China University of Political Science and Law, and Professor Jiang Su from Peking University, regarding the characterization of the case. All four experts came to a unanimous conclusion: In this case, the judiciary in Wuxi has no jurisdiction; the behaviors of Liang Liang and the other five in developing technology and operating digital asset trading do not conform at all to the criminal composition of organizing and leading pyramid selling activities. The severe illegal act of Xishan Public Security not transferring the enormous amount of digital currency that was confiscated and frozen along with the case files is seriously illegal!



However, the Xishan Procuratorate not only disrespected the investigative facts and disregarded the experts’ opinions, but also, without listening to the opinions of the defense, added a charge of illegally accepting public deposits to the case on May 10, 2022, and prosecuted it to the Xishan District Court. During the pre-trial meeting at the end of 2022, the defense attorneys for the six defendants emphasized time and again that this case does not meet the basic formal requirements for court review of criminal cases. Even the only link related to Wuxi, where Wang Fengtao from Zhumadian, living in an underground garage in Xishan District, invested ninety thousand yuan in Hub coin, was fabricated by Xishan Public Security. Therefore, Xishan Court should immediately reject the public prosecution. However, the Xishan Court forcefully proceeded with the trial on July 24, 2023, without explaining the reasons and without providing the basis for its jurisdiction.


Since the case involves the interests of tens of thousands of investors nationwide, and the digital currency worth more than 200 million yuan seized by Wuxi Public Security is the hard-earned money of these investors, many investors are very concerned about the trial of this case, and dozens of them have come to Wuxi hoping to attend the hearing. Knowing well that they had fabricated a wrongful case, the guilty-conscious Wuxi Public Security, disregarding their dignity, dispatched a large number of police forces to track, illegally summon, and control investors and the families of the defendants. At least 14 investors who applied to attend the hearing were restricted in their personal freedom for 12 to 24 hours by Wuxi Public Security, among which at least four had already obtained the hearing certificates through the Xishan Court’s app. They were also confined by Wuxi Public Security in a glass cage that could only accommodate them, without air conditioning in the height of summer, and without water. They were threatened after more than ten hours to leave Wuxi immediately and would be arrested every time they were seen in Wuxi afterward. On July 24 and 25, during the first hearing of this case, the guilt-ridden Wuxi Public Security, Procuratorate, and Court deployed a large number of police forces around several blocks surrounding Xishan Court. It is said that police forces were pulled from every county and district in Wuxi. Lawyers saw that Wuxi Forest Police were on duty at the entrance of the court. Xishan Court even halted the normal entry and exit of the parties and lawyers involved in the case, and outside the security checkpoint, erected a fully enclosed colored steel corridor that was 30 to 50 meters long, through which all litigants must pass to enter the court. Outside the corridor, buses, police cars, and vans were parked, ready to transport the attending investors, relatives, and lawyers at any time.


On August 31, 2023, Wuxi Public Security dispatched dozens of police officers, several buses, and police cars to the national highway at the junction of Ma’anshan and Nanjing, forcibly controlling dozens of investors who were preparing to petition at the Jiangsu High Court, and detained many of them on charges of picking quarrels and provoking troubles and organizing and leading pyramid selling activities.


According to incomplete statistics, since 2022, during the handling of the pyramid selling case involving Liang Liang and other six people, Wuxi Public Security, in order to prevent investors from petitioning, has summoned and controlled 58 people in total and detained a dozen of them criminally even when knowing that the Procuratorate would not approve the arrest. Among them, Liang Liang’s sister, Liang Min, was continuously summoned by Wuxi Public Security from August 22 to 26, 2023, for a week. The content asked was completely unrelated to the case handling and was only to intimidate Liang Min: she must not proclaim Liang Liang’s injustice, nor encourage investors to petition! On the last day of Liang Liang’s second trial, Wuxi Public Security, under the circumstances where Liang Min refused to cooperate with the illegal summons to Wuxi, dispatched at least five police officers to detain her in Chengdu and brought her to Wuxi.

This paragraph depicts how Wuxi Public Security has taken extensive measures, including illegal summoning and detention of individuals related to the case, to suppress petitions and protests related to the case against Liang Liang and others, implicating and intimidating family members and potentially unrelated individuals in the process.


All of the above facts are substantiated by the handwritten testimonies of the involved parties and are corroborated by on-site video recordings. All together, how many police forces were mobilized, and how much money from Wuxi’s taxpayers was spent? Is the public security in Wuxi so good that the police, having nothing to do, have to go to other places to harass and persecute innocent citizens for amusement to pass their free time? Has the Wuxi Party Committee been so lax in managing Wuxi Public Security that, even when not a single citizen has been deceived or harmed on their own territory, and their social order has not been affected at all, they completely indulge in their ability to grab money from other places?


Respected Secretary Du Xiaogang, I have no doubt about the loyalty of the leaders of Wuxi Public Security to you. Their law enforcement in different jurisdictions may also subjectively be intended to alleviate pressure on local finances. Just the case of Liang Liang alone, if successful, would amount to more than two hundred million in ill-gotten gains!


However, those below you only know how to consider the minor details. Such behavior, which destroys the rule of law, is unscrupulous and involves robbery in different jurisdictions. In the past, we have only heard of the public security in Qitaihe, Heilongjiang doing this in Hangzhou, and the public security in Liaocheng, Shandong doing this in Lishui. Who could have thought that now, in Wuxi, which is known to all the people of the country as a place of great natural and cultural wealth, and where China’s economic development is best, we also have cases of public security committing robbery in different places? Is it because Wuxi’s finances are unsustainable, or is it because the governance in Wuxi has deteriorated? If such illegal and disorderly acts are not resolutely stopped, how much damage will it cause to the image of Wuxi, and what negative impact will it have on potential foreign investment in Wuxi? Only a local chief official like Secretary Du can clearly calculate such major accountabilities!


Here, let me share a parable with you: In the State of Song, there was a man who sold wine. Each time he sold his wine, he measured it fairly, and he was attentive and courteous to his customers. The wine he brewed was fragrant and mellow, and the flags outside his shop waved high and fluttered in the wind. However, no one came to buy his wine. As time went by, the wine turned sour. The wine seller was puzzled and distressed, so he sought advice from an elder named Yang Qian who lived in the same lane. Yang Qian asked, “Is the dog you keep very fierce?” The wine seller replied, “If the dog is fierce, why can’t I sell the wine?” Yang Qian answered, “People are afraid of dogs. Adults send children with money and a jug to buy wine, but your dog rushes up and bites them. This is why the wine has turned sour and can’t be sold.”


“I share this story not to berate the police handling the Hubdex case, but because great truths are universal. On this matter, Secretary Du, you wouldn’t have any objections, would you?”

尊敬的杜书记,一个人的一生很短暂,再过若干年,我们都终将要离开这个世界。但是,史笔如铁,每个人行的善,做的恶,被将被公正的载入历史。眼下,在你主政的无锡,发生的公安在完全没有管辖权的情况下异地趋利抢钱的事件,导致扼杀创新技术驱动的经济发展,迫害发心向善、从未作恶的科技创新创业人才,无论你处理不处理,都会被历史公正地记录。Respected Secretary Du, the lifespan of an individual is quite brief, and after a few more years, we all will eventually have to leave this world. However, the pen of history is like iron, every good deed and every evil act committed by someone will be fairly recorded in history. At present, under your governance in Wuxi, incidents have occurred where the police, with absolutely no jurisdiction, are going to other places to unlawfully seize money, leading to the stifling of economic development driven by innovative technology and the persecution of innovative entrepreneurs who have good intentions and have never committed any evil deeds. Whether you address this issue or not, it will be recorded impartially by history.


Do as you see fit!

北京汉鼎联合律师事务所律师 张庆方
Lawyer Zhang Qingfang of Beijing Handing United Law Firm

北京市民 林开
Beijing Citizen Lin Kai

September 30, 2023


【附件 — 部分投资人亲历口述】
[Attachment — Narratives personally experienced by some investors]

