Complaints about Serious Illegal Cases Handled by Wuxi Public Security Bureau

Liangliang Faith
Published in
15 min readJul 17, 2023

Jun 21, 2022

I am the main creative team member of the Hubdex decentralized exchange initiated by the community on the CoinXP public chain founded by Liang Liang, Chen Hua, and Wang Yang, three serial entrepreneurs and technological innovation talents. I wrote to the relevant higher authorities to provide details According to the law, the Xishan Sub-bureau accused the Xishan Branch of seeking profit in the case, providing false case information to the media, illegally seizing property irrelevant to the case, using fraudulent means to obtain evidence, media trial interfering with the procuratorate and other violations of law and discipline, and requested the higher authorities to correct it.

【Case Overview】

Illegally seized items, induced interrogation.

In the early morning of April 15, 2021, more than a dozen people from the Xishan Public Security Bureau in Wuxi came to the home of Liang Liang and his wife and children in Beijing. Liang Liang’s work notebook and Liang Liang and his family’s important digital asset keys and other items not related to the case. And they took Liang Liang and his wife away. At the same time, CoinXP’s domestic technology developers, family members of the parties, and some community members in different cities were also detained and interrogated for 24 hours. The questions revolved around the Hubdex exchange business and digital currency wallet custody, and the inductive interrogation pointed directly at the crime of “pyramid selling.” After 24 hours of interrogation, Liang Liang, Wang Yang, and Chen Hua, the three founders of the CoinXP public chain project, and Peng Gang and Shen Ting, the three founders of the Hubdex community of the CoinXP ecological exchange, were arrested on suspicion of “illegal use of information networks”. , Yang Lunguang cross-provincially brought back to Wuxi, criminal detention, and detained in the Wuxi City Detention Center.

Illegal detention

On May 21, 2021, the Xishan Public Security Bureau quietly transferred six detained “criminal suspects” from the detention center to a remote area in Wuxi City without notifying their lawyers and family members on the last day of the deadline for reporting to the procuratorate for approval of arrest. The private houses that are not exposed to light are guarded by migrant workers day and night, the food conditions are extremely poor, the lawyers are blocked from meeting, the family members do not know the address, and they cannot find anyone.

Illegal collection of evidence and retaliation

Beginning in May 2021, because the public chain code, the exchange system, and the promotion mechanism did not meet the constituent elements of the crime of pyramid schemes, the investigation direction and confession guidance of the Xishan Branch Economic Investigation have shifted from “pyramid schemes” to “fraud”. With the cooperation of the local police station, the police force of the Wuxi Xishan Sub-bureau conducted large-scale visits to communities across the country and summoned community members and their families. Write down the statement pointing to the “fraud” of the technical development team. Community members complained for Liang Liang and others, Xishan Public Security vigorously maintained stability, and successively arrested three other community members who reported the situation and complained to the relevant departments for Liang Liang and others on the charge of pyramid schemes.

illegal intervention

On August 6, 2021, the Xishan District People’s Procuratorate of Wuxi approved the arrest, and Liang Liang and others were detained in the Wuxi Detention Center. The prosecutor in charge told the family members: “Although the evidence is not sufficient, after several reports to the leadership of the Municipal Procuratorate, the arrest decision was made.” From the beginning of the case, the Wuxi city level has been intervening in the case.

Arrest first and stand later, the procedure is chaotic

On September 30, 2021, the Xishan branch opened the case for the crime of “organizing and leading pyramid selling activities”, that is, the Xishan branch opened the case for the crime of pyramid selling nearly two months after the procuratorate arrested it for the crime of “pyramid selling”.

He was beaten for no reason, but the Xishan Procuratorate ignored it

On the morning of October 8, 2021, Hu Qifeng, a policeman from the Wuxi №1 Detention Center, beat Liang Liang for no reason, causing Liang Liang’s retinal damage, continued vision loss, and accompanied by floaters. With effective treatment, Liang Liang may become blind in his eyes. The procuratorate, which has supervisory responsibilities, ignored this and has not punished the perpetrators so far. Faced with the application of the family members for release on bail pending trial for medical treatment, the Xishan District Procuratorate indifferently rejected it.

Far-fetched transfer to the Procuratorate for review

On November 5, the investigation by the Xishan Sub-bureau was concluded, and the case was transferred for review and prosecution for the crime of organizing and leading pyramid selling activities. Throughout the investigation stage, the Wuxi Public Security knew that the case was wrongly characterized from the beginning, and considered different charges such as illegal use of information networks, fraud, organizing and leading pyramid schemes, and finally chose pyramid schemes.

Splitting the charges, forcibly prosecuting, and breaking the law

The Xishan District People’s Procuratorate of Wuxi City determined that the case was “unclear and insufficient evidence” and returned the case twice for supplementary investigation. In the absence of substantial progress in the supplementary investigation, in May 2022, the Xishan District People’s Procuratorate of Wuxi City split the different stages of the development of the public chain and the exchange community, and finally charged the crime of “illegally absorbing public deposits, organizing and leading pyramid schemes” “Indictment. According to the current laws and regulations, the accusation of illegally absorbing public deposits involves the protection of the rights and interests of the majority of investors, and the case must be announced to investors and their opinions heard in accordance with the law. The People’s Procuratorate of Xishan District, Wuxi City has not announced the case to the majority of users and provided communication channels for users, seriously violating legal procedures.

Handling the case illegally and wronging the innocent.

Liang Liang, as a serial entrepreneur, spent huge sums of money to lead the top Chinese and American doctoral technical talents in the blockchain industry. It took a year and a half for research and development to overcome the underlying technical problems of the blockchain, and pioneered a public chain dedicated to digital asset transactions. Authoritative audit is a real technology and a good project that can be identified and verified. The HUBDEX exchange has been operating stably for a long time before the incident, and there has never been a sharp rise or fall in the value of the Hub currency. Users voluntarily invest and independently participate in market trading activities based on their optimism about the prospects of the digital asset trading industry. They can sell HUB coins at any time and exchange them for mainstream virtual currency TEDA to leave the market freely. There has never been a user request to withdraw coins to leave the market and be rejected. Liang Liang’s technical team has never embezzled or embezzled user assets, and Wuxi public security and procuratorial organs have not identified Liang Liang and others as having illegal profits. Since the incident, the majority of users have continued to express their willingness to invest and have never been defrauded of property. The operation of the HUBDEX exchange is not only a true embodiment of blockchain technology innovation, but also provides real virtual currency storage and transaction services for the majority of users. After the Wuxi public security illegally intervened, the virtual currency assets of the majority of users were completely frozen, losing trading opportunities and facing the risk of zero value.

[Wuxi Public Security Law Enforcement for Profit, Packaged into Major Cases, Important Cases, and MLM]

Xishan Branch of Wuxi Municipal Public Security Bureau will try its best to make innovative projects driven by new technologies and practiced by new production relations into “large”, “new” and “pyramid sale” cases. The alleged amount of 1 billion involved, more than 50,000 members, and more than 20,000 real-name registrations have no factual basis. The amount is fictitious and has been revised several times in external publicity, and the Hub community has not registered the user’s real name in any form. According to the information disclosed in the media by the Wuxi Public Security Bureau and the personal records of community members, the public security personnel should be held accountable for handling cases for profit, providing false case information to the media, engaging in public opinion trials, illegally seizing property irrelevant to the case, and using fraudulent methods to obtain evidence. legal responsibility.

1. False reports

The investigation agency, Xishan Branch of Wuxi Municipal Public Security Bureau, used media reports to fabricate the facts of the case and falsely package the case. On December 31, 2021, the “Rule of Law Online” program of the Jiangsu public news channel released an interview video of the case. A police officer with the police number 221939, Liu Qiang, said that the project was “initiated in 2021 and is covered with blockchain technology. It is actually a major case of a billion-dollar pyramid scheme.” The statement stated that the start-up time was wrong, the amount of funds was fictitious, and even the date of the “deceived” transfer certificate provided by the “reporter” was actually three months after the platform was taken off the shelves after the incident, which is obviously fake.

Mr. Lu, a “reporter” in the public security interview video broadcast on the rule of law online, said that after the transfer of 10,000 yuan on August 1, 2021 (Figure 1), and the transfer of 130,000 yuan on August 6, 2021 (Figure 2), he could not Withdrawing coins, so I realized that I was “defrauded”, so I reported it to the police. But in fact, the Hubdex platform had to be shut down because it was arrested across provinces by Wuxi Public Security on April 15, 2021, and the overseas servers were unmaintained in June 2021. Therefore, after April 15, 2021, due to the arrest by Wuxi police, the operation of the platform was paralyzed. After Hubdex’s overseas servers stop running in June 2021, it will be even more impossible to open DApps and deposit coins.

However, the Wuxi police imposed the consequences of being unable to withdraw coins caused by the arrest of Liang Liang and others in the report, accusing them of committing crimes and fabricating the facts of the case.

Figure 1: The transfer date is August 1, 2021

Figure 2: The transfer date is August 6, 2021

2. False public opinion reports, interfering with the handling of the case by the procuratorate

On January 11, 2022, the Wuxi Public Security Bureau once again reported the case on the Jiangsu public news channel, with [200 million yuan involved! #pyramid marketing group looking for a professional team to promote self-created virtual currency#] as the title of the qualitative publicity of the case. This report deleted its previous “falsified evidence”, only stated that the case was classified as “pyramid scheme”, and changed the amount involved from “1 billion yuan” to “200 million yuan”, arbitrarily exaggerating and modifying the amount, 200 million yuan The amount is also unsubstantiated. At the same time, the Wuxi Public Security launched large-scale propaganda on the official Weibo accounts of Jiangsu Provincial Political Law, local procuratorates and some local courts, including: Jiangsu Political Law, Wuzhishan Political Law, Bengbu Political Law, Jiyang Procuratorate, Cao County People’s Procuratorate, and Mudanjiang District of Heze City People’s Procuratorate, Mingshui Procuratorate, Hangzhou Procuratorate, Licheng Procuratorate, Mengyin County People’s Procuratorate, Zhenfeng Procuratorate, Suihua Procuratorate, Yuhang Procuratorate, Shangcheng Procuratorate, Bailongjiang Forest District Procuratorate, Tumen City Procuratorate, Liaoning Procuratorate, Jincheng Intermediate People’s Court, Quzhou Procuratorate, Wuhu Yijiang Procuratorate, Longyou Procuratorate, Gongshu Procuratorate, Linping Procuratorate, Yangzhou Procuratorate, Jiangbei Procuratorate, Dongfanghong People’s Procuratorate, Baoji Procuratorate, Dalian Procuratorate, Beilin Procuratorate, Huyi Procuratorate, Yantai City People’s Court More than 50 judicial organs, including the Procuratorate, Ankang Intermediate People’s Court, and Shuangliu Court, disregarded their responsibility and integrity in handling cases independently, and collectively held online parades and conducted media trials without review during the period when the police retired from investigation and supplemented investigation. (The following is the news of false publicity by the public security and the joint release of false meritorious service by the official media of the local public security, procuratorate and law)

Wuxi Public Security used dozens of judicial organs across the country to publicly smear the parties in the media, paraded the streets online, and sentenced people without trial

3. There is no informant, and the loss is caused by the public security

There was no informant in this case, and the platform was shut down after the police arrested on a large scale, which made investors suffer losses due to the inability to withdraw coins, and there was no loss before.

4. Illegally seize electronic products and digital wallets of the parties and their family members that have nothing to do with the case, and transfer all digital assets to the address of the public security

Wuxi Public Security went across provinces to Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other places to arrest the founding team, domestic technical team and community members. At the party’s home, a large number of electronic products and personal items were searched and taken away, and all private property was still taken away when the family members provided the factual basis, ledger records, and deposit and withdrawal records that the electronic products and digital assets belonged to personal property and investment. All electronic items, work and study related items in the home were cleaned up without any credentials. All digital assets, including those unrelated to the case, were transferred to addresses controlled by the public security.

Investigators confiscated 5.0047 bitcoins from Liang Liang’s father-in-law and 1 bitcoin from Liang Liang’s daughter, which have not been returned yet.

Figures 5 and 6 show that Liang Liang’s father-in-law took out 1 million yuan from the pension fund prepared by selling his only house in Beijing and handed it to Liang Liang’s wife. Into the account record (the record in the picture is the transfer record of the father to his daughter, the current RMB total: received +1,137,305.86 yuan), and every subsequent transfer has a record of purchasing USDT on Huobi OTC. Every USDT The purchase of BTC has transaction records from the Huobi App, and all records are transferred to Liang Liang’s wife’s Cobo offline wallet. An account book called “1 million accounts.excel” in Liang Liang’s wife’s computer can also be used. prove.

However, even though the Wuxi public security had seen all the evidence presented by Liang Liang’s wife, when they arrested Liang Liang on April 15, 2021, they took away all electronic products and key books, including Liang Liang’s wife’s laptop and mobile phone, and took away all the electronic products and keys. Informed that “transfer is not allowed, and those belonging to individuals will be returned”. However, not only did not return it, but on May 1, 2021, all 5.0047 BTCs of Liang Liang’s wife were transferred to an address: 3E1QhFY7XGYHJdsYoULJpNaFMo3LKNnGwa (Figure 7). In addition to the 5 BTCs of Liang Liang’s wife, there are also 1 BTC of Liang Liang’s daughter was transferred to this address (Figure 9), and then transferred to another address: 3EHVJbHtVXqHoUrE35D1T3FZaxKXUZY5bH (Figure 10). There are more BTC in this address, which may be Liang Liang’s personal assets.

(Figures 5)
(Figures 6)
(Figures 7)
(Figures 8)
(Figures 9)
(Figures 10)

5. To lure employees, family members and community members who were taken away to confess, and pretend to be community members to send mass messages to phishing law enforcement.

Since about 9 family members and technical engineers of the parties were also taken to the local police station, they were released on bail pending trial after 24 hours of detention. The interrogator signs. During the supplementary investigation stage of the public security, a large number of community members were summoned to the local police station, and the Wuxi police took notes. The confession materials were drafted and printed in advance, and signed by community members, and they were not allowed to leave without signing.

The three founders of the public chain and the three community promoters were transferred to residential surveillance after being detained for 30 days. During the detention process, a local policeman in Wuxi revealed to the three community promoters: “If I had known you were so poor without money, you would have been so poor.” I won’t arrest you.” Two months after the incident, the servers of CoinXP and Hubdex located in Amazon in the United States were shut down due to unmanned maintenance, and historical transaction data could not be viewed, but the Wuxi police fabricated a sky-high price of “billion”.

In the stages of supplementary investigation by the procuratorate twice, and in the court stage, Wuxi Public Security never stopped arresting community investors, their parents, spouses, especially public officials and those who need to go to work, in order to coerce community investors not to report In the real situation, they were persuaded to believe that the founding team such as Liang Liang were liars, and even the Wuxi public security united with the local police to directly call the family members of the community investors, forcing the family members to influence the community members who believed that they had done nothing wrong to obey the police’s instigation and testify against the founding team.

Figure 11 shows that community member Wang Jinping was summoned by Wuxi police to make notes in Chengdu. After handing in his mobile phone, the police pretended to be Wang Jinping himself and shouted to everyone in the community to take notes and testify as “victims”. , can return everyone’s investment.

Picture 12 shows that Wang Jinping was talking to the community on his mobile phone, but the Wuxi police sent a message under his false name. Figure 13 shows that the Wuxi police used Wang Jinping’s mobile phone to send private messages to community members in his name, asking community members to surrender.

(Figures 11)
(Figures 12)
(Figures 13)

6. Arrest and retaliate against community members who complained for Liang Liang and others.

Because community members did not believe that Liang Liang and others constituted a crime, they complained for Liang Liang and others. Xishan police arrested four community members one after another. Around January 30, 2022 (the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month), the Xishan Public Security Bureau arrested community member Guo Hongjian, and was detained for more than a month. Because the Xishan Procuratorate refused to approve the arrest, he was released on bail pending trial on March 4. Guo Hongjian has not yet received Detention Notice. On May 30, 2022, the Xishan Public Security Bureau criminally detained community member Liu Xiaoju for the crime of pyramid schemes; on June 1, 2022, Zhou Dongcai was criminally detained for the crime of pyramid schemes; on June 16, 2022, the Xishan Public Security Bureau arrested community member Li Ziqi The above-mentioned three community members were all arrested and detained when they reported the case to the relevant departments, and the police obviously retaliated.

At the same time, a large number of community investors and their family members were summoned by the Wuxi police to delete microblogs that reflected the real situation.

Community members on WeChat share their experiences of being summoned

They are now spreading rumors and slander, with the purpose of disintegrating users’ belief and trust in Liang Liang. They are still quietly and non-stop in the background, by intimidating or lying to the relatives and friends of the users, calling or forcing the relatives and friends of the users Go to the police station, collect autographs, and claim the investment amount as the defrauded amount, use this as evidence, and try your best to turn this matter into an iron case. Everyone should pay special attention to beware.
The purpose of their slander and lies, everyone must be careful not to be fooled.

On the evening of May 31st, I was also summoned by the local police and went to the local police station. I was questioned and recorded by three police officers from the Wuxi Xishan Branch. Their so-called evidence can only be said to be too speechless.

The Wuxi police, the investigative organ, pursue profit and enforce the law, provide false case information to the media, illegally seize irrelevant property of the case, use fraudulent means to obtain evidence, retaliate and other operations are seriously illegal. The local area has completely lost the independence and justice of the judiciary. We hope that by suing the higher authorities, the investigators will be held accountable.

Complainant: Dr. Liang Wuwei

CoinXP Blockchain Research Scientist

Recommended for Tsinghua University undergraduate, Georgia Tech Ph.D., Amazon artificial intelligence development, Mathworks chief software engineer, senior research scientist at Southwest Research Institute, and winner of the 2009 American Outstanding Talents. Wuwei has been researching blockchain since 2014. His expertise in blockchain is cross-chain interaction and blockchain security research and development, especially encrypted wallet security.

