Mother of Tsinghua University graduate Pleads for ‘Wuxi to Release My Son Chen Hua Immediately’

Liangliang Faith
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2023

#WuxiXishanBlockchainMiscarriageOfJustice# A letter from the mother of Chen Hua, a returned overseas Tsinghua undergraduate & graduate who has been wrongfully accused in the technology startup scene, to the public security, procuratorial, and judicial authorities of Wuxi: “Wuxi, Release My Son Chen Hua Immediately”.

Note: The one on the right in the picture is Chen Hua, CTO of CoinXP, discussing with Vitalik Buterin (the second on the left), the founder of Ethereum (the second-largest public blockchain globally, only second to Bitcoin), the issues and key technologies that the underlying public blockchain CoinXP needs to solve for HUB DEX.

I am a retired, honorable people’s teacher! I am 82 this year! I am the mother of Chen Hua involved in the Wuxi blockchain injustice case. My son has been wrongfully imprisoned by the Wuxi Xishan Public Prosecutorial and Judicial Department for over 500 days. I just can’t understand, I really can’t.

My son Chen Hua has always been intelligent, diligent, studious, obedient, caring, and filial. During his school years, he was annually recognized as an excellent student and highly praised by his teachers and peers. In the eyes of all my relatives and friends, he is a genius who is kind to everyone. At the age of 15, he was admitted to Tsinghua University and began living independently.

My son is very kind and caring. I remember around 1985, when he was on a train from Tsinghua University to Chongqing, he saw a sick child crying because the train was so crowded, even in the restroom, and there was no water to drink. My son gave the only pear he had to this child. Such kindness! While working in the US, he learned about a Chinese worker (not very familiar to him) who had cancer. He not only comforted him but also took the time to accompany him to his medical appointments. How could such a kind and upright person be a suspect in the eyes of the Wuxi Xishan Public Prosecutorial and Judicial Department?

Chen Hua has been studying and working in the United States for over 20 years. He had a high income and worked for a top-tier company, and he had social status. However, to respect his aging parents and contribute to the development of our motherland, he gave up his life in America at the invitation of a friend, brought his technology back home to start a business. He worked tirelessly and never did anything wrong.

Dear Wuxi Xishan Public Prosecutorial Department, what crime has my son committed? There is no evidence, yet you refuse to release him, trying to convict him forcibly. He has been detained for over 500 days, and the court proceedings have not begun. Additional investigation is required. Your actions are completely arbitrary.

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate clearly pointed out: Do not detain if it’s possible not to, do not arrest if it’s possible not to. When in doubt, err on the side of innocence!

The Wuxi Public Prosecutorial and Judicial Department, and those involved in the case, should uphold justice and accumulate virtuous deeds! Let the facts and evidence speak, and release my son Chen Hua, who has insufficient criminal evidence, as soon as possible.

Officials from the Wuxi Public Prosecutorial and Judicial Department, you are the ones who study and understand the law, please handle the case according to the law.

Officials from the Wuxi Public Prosecutorial and Judicial Department, you are party members, follow the party, the party and the people demand that you handle the case according to legal rules.

I sincerely appeal to the party, the legal professionals, and Tsinghua University to help with the case. Please HELP us! @泽博所王兴律师 @伍雷鸣冤 @迟夙生律师 @安徽吕先三律师案2 @清华大学 @北京泽博律师事务所 @周泽拍案 @何兵 @澎湃新闻 @燕文薪 @仲法情怀 @真辩网 @凯龙的后浪财经 @财新网 @南方都市报 @南风窗 @创业最前线 @南立新创业邦 @南方人物周刊@正义网 @人民日报 @凤凰网财经​​​​

