The Crux of Siege Blockchain Entrepreneurs

Liangliang Faith
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2023

Sep 14, 2022

Due to the profit-seeking thinking and illegal case handling methods of some public security leaders in Jiangsu Province, it has encouraged corruption in the public security system in Jiangsu Province, resulting in tens of billions of dollars in treasury losses, seriously damaging the country’s development and innovation, harming the interests of the people, and even more damaging a fair and impartial judiciary.

From 2019 to 2020, the Yancheng Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province and the Yancheng Intermediate People’s Court law enforcement and enforcement of the 100 billion digital currency “pyramid scheme case” became famous. According to public information, the amount involved in the Yancheng digital currency case is as high as more than 129.4 billion yuan, while in 2020, the city’s general public budget revenue will only be 7.617 billion yuan. The results of the seizure of digital currency in this case will undoubtedly have a direct and important impact on the fiscal revenue of the Yancheng government. Whether the hundreds of billions of fines and confiscations will be turned over to the state treasury in a timely manner involves major national interests and social public interests. However, in the reply to the government information disclosure application, the Yancheng Finance Bureau mistakenly identified the “executive subject” of the criminal case as the Yancheng Public Security Bureau, which means that the Yancheng Intermediate People’s Court has no Abandoned the statutory criminal enforcement power, and transferred the criminal confiscation power exclusively to the people’s court to the investigation agency.

This wave of operations by the police and courts in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province has undoubtedly become a major interest driver for the police in Jiangsu Province to encircle and suppress digital currency and blockchain entrepreneurs.

On April 15, 2021, the cross-provincial arrest of the Liang Liang blockchain case of the founding team of the CoinXP public chain was a typical “big pyramid scheme” led by the Wuxi City Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province who wanted to learn from the Yancheng model. In fact, The current director of the Wuxi Municipal Public Security Bureau is the former deputy mayor of Yancheng City, secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, director of the Public Security Bureau, and chief inspector. The director of the Public Security Bureau came to Wuxi from Yancheng to serve as a member of the party group of the Wuxi Municipal Government, deputy mayor, party secretary, director, and chief inspector (concurrently) of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and deputy secretary (concurrently) of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. The idea was also brought to Wuxi.

In the field of digital currency and blockchain, innovative technical talents who have achieved freedom of wealth and actually invested huge sums of money with the vision of serving the country with science and technology have suffered unreasonable disasters and been imprisoned. The pattern, technology and entrepreneurial facts of these innovative talents can build a powerful country in the long run and realize the strategic thinking of our top leaders for the development of blockchain technology:

It is necessary to talk about the present, but also to talk about the long-term; it is necessary to look at the country, but also to look at the world; it is necessary to prevent risks, but also to promote development, especially for its huge role in building a network power, developing the digital economy, and helping economic and social development. The role must have a profound, systematic and complete understanding.


