2018 in A Nutshell: Coinyee

Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

Note: The publication accidentally falls on Valentine’s Day, so it is forgave that you take a cup of coffee with your girl/boyfriend first, but emember to bookmark XD.

2018 has passed, and we’ve all got somewhat mixed feelings about the seemingly extended period during which 2019 was merely mentioned for it wandered farther afield in public minds like things that would never come. Now it is time to review it in a nutshell. Learning from the past is one of the only ways to develop a much better strategy for crypto exchanges like Coinyee.

In retrospect, 2018 was initiated with the whopping boom of cryptocurrency market, esp. that of Bitcoin. But in hindsight, we might better take it as Pandora’s Box for it descended dramatically in no time. Faded flamboyance and waste-like crypto landscape terrified part digital-native crypto traders and noob investors and even institutional investors. The longest bear circle in Bitcoin’s short history put innovation start-ups, thousands of crypto projects and crypto exchanges at the edge of complete fall-down. It is fair to believe that the still remained ones are resilient and might serve as the silver lining for the next heyday. Coinyee is one of them. Having overcome countless operational and market hurdles, Coinyee is resolved to forge ahead with its community.

To make it formal, let’s review some of the key digits and data Coinyee achieved in the past year of bitcoin:

1. Accumulative (Total) Numbers:

Registered Users: 837,000

Community Size: 92,000

24-Hour ATH: USD 418,000,000

2. Customer Service

Dial-out: 347,172 reaches

Online Service: 518,624 reaches

Avg. Serving Time: 1m23s

3. Platform Dividends

Coinyee’s CT daily dividends project has given away USD 3,677,769 ( Equal to 462.3323233 BTC) worth of CT. Total CT release numbered 45,511,938 CT.

4. APP Updates and Improvements

Total 17 updates to deliver iterated and enhanced the experience in security, design and interaction

5. Business Cooperation

Coinyee partnered with 75+ media outlets and platforms to have posted 300+ publications around the globe, giving Coinyee over 16 million exposures to the wider global crypto and non-crypto communities.

Volatility shavers users’ interest in the crypto in the milieu of crypto bear market, but the proposition of value stays to influence the existing financial framework. Keep that as the principle, Coinyee is to move on with security, profession, perfection and considerateness. What we aim to break through is the whole market out there.

Take a look at the unfolding 2019, crypto adoption and acceptance is fording a new ground where opportunities and challenges flashed by with no sound. Coinyee will work together with high-quality projects like Trip.org, New Life, Ecoin and Rcoin to extend and better deploy the global crypto market. Echoed with policy changes, Coinyee is going to near you by landing on your neighborhood.



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http://www.coinyee.pro is a leading digital asset exchange aiming the world market. We work with multiple blockchain pilot projects to better serve our users.