Mute the Bear, Hear the Bull Roar: Coinyee Crypto

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3 min readFeb 15, 2019

Crypto bridge is falling down? In fact, down is also with the public sentiment, though turning slightly green at the point of post-apocalypse where Bitcoin has lost almost 80% of its market capitalization. According to the Fear & Greed Index released by, market sentiment has collected itself after soaring to (almost) Extreme Fear, reading 48 as Neutral.

Loss is usually referred to as the devaluation of the holding crypto asset in the emerging market, especially when it collapses. Along with social pressure piled up by mocks and negative disputes towards the die-hard crypto community, the time when you are hailed as “crypto evangelist” has long gone. Less likely to be opportunistic and barely recognized as the high time for new participants, the bear circle has kicked many standouts out of the game for good.

The code of life for resilient retail investors is probably capitulated “Survive” rather than anything else. Here Coinyee has gleaned several “must read” and insightful lines for your reference.

First, hold the belief that the market has the capability to self-purify which means the raging market erased bad actors whilst kicking some of the neutral and good pilot projects. It is to mean that projects of high-quality are more likely to be funded in the ocean of crypto assets. For relatively no-so-good ones, they will be bettered by the market tendency.

Second, value will surface and be matured. Governed by rationality, investors tend to make wise decisions, leading to a wise marketplace where wise investment management rolls upward.

Finally, “survivors” of this bear market are those with resolve, determination and comparatively high understanding about the asset class and the underlying technology of blockchain. FOMO has ushered so many traders in the virtual world but they were lacking basics and rationale of the top-notch tech. For them, Bitcoin’s proposition of value is nonsense and once any of the crypto assets dropped by more than 80%, they are trash and meaningless. But remember, freedom, decentralization, democracy are some of our internal calls for humanity.

Any for crypto exchanges, it’s high time to mute the bear market and hear the bull roar, but this time the actor is not the market itself but the above-mentioned projects. Of which Coinyee’s projects are representatives. Take and New Life as examples: (TRIP) is one of the prominent use case and application of blockchain’s token economy claiming its ground in the traditional public consumption field. You can find a complete reservation system housing hotel, train tickets and airline reservation. is in its nature a community driven application. Surprisingly, it offers 10% price return in unique token of TRIP to better deliver the idea of Return of Value.

New Life (NLF) serves as the pioneer in the cross-over between token economy and e-commerce. New Life is committed to untangle the hanging problems in the e-commerce and make blockchain happen in the very field. You will find more than order return — your referrals’ every order will also bring you token return, they are taking a total 20%!

We believe that the traditional economy and the emerging one need to join hands to make monumental breakthroughs. Crypto exchange, under such circumstances, is vital on the track to pursue the great Cause. But on the other hand, Coinyee is never far away from traders, investors, aficionados and pro-crypto community.

The bear market left us a plain land to grow possibilities, we must draw a detailed blueprint for its future and harden our belief for digital asset. As a part of the larger picture, Coinyee proceeds to change the world little by little.

Preparation makes chances happen with shine. For the unfolding future, please brace yourself and join us! What will it be? A treasure land or dystopia? Your action matters.



Editor for is a leading digital asset exchange aiming the world market. We work with multiple blockchain pilot projects to better serve our users.