10 Reasons You Should Learn About Crypto

Sean O'Donoghue Morgan
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018

Blockchain, DLT, and Cryptocurrencies Are Tools For The 21st Century

  1. Crypto is the future of money. Money is one of the most important subjects that affects our daily lives. Once you learn about the unjust way money works now, it will shock you and anger you, and then you will realize why we need a decentralized currency.
  2. If you own a business or have a leadership position in the public or private sector, you need to know how blockchain can disrupt, innovate, and reform existing organizational structures.
  3. If you have a negative feeling about the government or the banking sector, and desire an alternative system, then you should learn about blockchain, DLT, and crypto.
  4. If you’re interested in a way to financially include the 2 billion people without a bank account, then you need to learn about crypto.
  5. If you’re interested in a way to help the 1.5 billion people who work abroad and need to send money to family and friends without predatory middle men (like Western Union), then you need to learn about crypto.
  6. If you are interested in a new asset class, investment class, and venture capital model, and a way to invest very small amounts of money with the chances for high returns, then you need to learn about crypto.
  7. If you are an entrepreneur or innovator and you want to disrupt an industry, you need to learn about crypto.
  8. If privacy and or transparency is important to you, you need to learn about crypto.
  9. If you conduct international business and you lose money because of exchange rates and bank fees, you need to learn about crypto.
  10. And last but not least…..if you are a humanist and you sincerely care about social impact, refugees, and people left behind in the current system, then you need to learn about crypto.

Learn now at CoinYou.co

