5 Tips for a Successful Finals Week

Coker University
Coker Stories
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2016

Final exams are upon us! If you find yourself riding the strugglebus this week, you’re not alone. Plenty of students get stressed during this time of year, which can lead to compromised immune systems, frazzled nerves, and generally feeling under the weather. Sound familiar? Here are a few tips to help get you through to winter break:

1. Know Your Schedule

It may sound like a no-brainer, but it really does help to show up for your test at the right time. Finals week plays by its own rules, so make sure you check the schedule and write down the meeting times for your exams.

2. Make a Study Plan

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to studying, so you’ll have to figure out what works for you. Is it easier for you to concentrate in the morning or afternoon? Do you focus better in the library or curled up on your bed? Can you remember things better if you write them out by hand, or would you prefer to highlight key points in your textbook? Everyone has different learning styles; the important thing is setting aside time to prepare.

3. Take It Easy On Yourself

Yes, you need to schedule time to study — but that doesn’t mean you should spend the whole week cramming. Be sure to take regular breaks to recharge and give your mind a rest. Go for a walk, channel your inner kid with some coloring pages, meditate, work out, watch your favorite movie, or just hang out with friends. The books will still be there when you get back, and you’ll be able to focus better after spending a little time away.

4. Prioritize Healthy Living

You can’t survive on caffeine and pizza. Your body and brain work best when you get an adequate amount of sleep (and if you’re feeling stressed, you may even need more sleep than usual), as well as a nourishing diet. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and catch some Z’s. Trust us, your body and your GPA will both thank you for it.

5. Vent

Feeling frustrated? Don’t keep that all bottled up! Talk with a friend, an RA, a trusted faculty or staff member. Whether you just need to let off some steam or you need help with something, be sure to let someone know. We’re a community here at Coker, and we take care of each other. Sometimes, that means asking for support.

If you see a fellow student struggling this week, please reach out to someone who’s equipped to help. We have all kinds of wonderful people on campus who can connect you to resources, or just lend an ear.

Good luck, everyone — and remember, you’re just a few days away from a well-deserved break!

