OLQ’s :Every Future Army Officer Should Develop

Future Officers Academy
Col. Rajvir Sharma
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2023

If you want to become an officer, make sure you imbibe these!

Leadership Skills

Leadership is the cornerstone of any army officer’s role. They are entrusted with the responsibility of not only guiding but also motivating soldiers in various challenging situations. Leadership involves the ability to make swift, informed decisions, solve problems efficiently, and inspire unwavering trust in subordinates. Army officers must lead by example, demonstrating the qualities they wish to see in their troops.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is a skill that transcends rank and hierarchy. Army officers must communicate clearly and concisely, providing instructions that leave no room for ambiguity. Equally crucial is the capacity to listen actively and empathetically to the concerns and feedback of subordinates. This ensures that orders are understood and followed correctly, fostering a harmonious and responsive environment.

Decision-Making Skills

Army officers often find themselves in high-pressure situations, where quick and sound decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Developing decision-making skills is paramount. Officers must learn to weigh all available options, taking into account both immediate and long-term consequences. This skillset enables them to navigate uncertainty with confidence.

Problem-Solving Skills

Challenges are an inherent part of military life. Army officers must be adept problem solvers, capable of addressing a variety of issues creatively and critically. Resilience and adaptability are crucial as situations can change rapidly. Thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions are highly prized attributes.


Integrity is the bedrock upon which army officers build trust and respect within their teams. Upholding a high standard of ethics and morality is non-negotiable. Honesty, trustworthiness, and fairness are the cornerstones of their character. Integrity serves as a shining example for subordinates and fosters an environment of trust and loyalty.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness isn’t merely a suggestion but a necessity for army officers. They must be in excellent shape to endure the physical demands of their role, which includes marching long distances, carrying heavy loads, and performing strenuous activities. Physical fitness not only ensures their well-being but also sets an example for their troops.

Mental Toughness

Army officers are often exposed to stressful and adverse situations. Mental toughness is the ability to remain calm under pressure and make sound decisions when faced with adversity. It is a skill honed through training, experience, and a steadfast commitment to the mission.

“An army officer’s journey is paved with the stones of leadership, communication, decision-making, problem-solving, integrity, physical fitness, and mental toughness. These qualities are not just skills, but the very essence of our character. To lead is to inspire, to communicate is to unite, to decide is to shape destiny, to solve is to overcome, to uphold integrity is to earn trust, to be fit is to endure, and to be mentally tough is to triumph in the face of adversity. Embrace these attributes, for they are the compass guiding every officer’s path to success.”

— Colonel Rajvir Sharma(retd)

In conclusion , The role of an army officer encompasses a diverse range of responsibilities that demand the development of specific personal qualities and traits. Leadership, communication, decision-making, problem-solving, integrity, physical fitness, and mental toughness are the foundations of a successful army officer’s character. These attributes, when cultivated and refined, enable officers to lead effectively, inspire trust, and ensure the success of their missions.

