Questions for NCC Cadets in SSB Interviews by IO

Future Officers Academy
Col. Rajvir Sharma
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2023

Be ready for these questions and more in your SSB Interview by the IO


The Service Selection Board (SSB) interview is a crucial step for NCC (National Cadet Corps) cadets aspiring to join the armed forces of India. It’s a comprehensive evaluation process that assesses a candidate’s suitability for a career in the military. During the interview, candidates are asked a series of questions to gauge their personality, leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and commitment to the armed forces. In this article, we will delve into the common questions that NCC cadets may encounter during their SSB interview.

Taken from odishatv news website

1. Tell us about yourself and your background in NCC:

This seemingly simple question is often the opening gambit of an SSB interview. It provides candidates with the opportunity to introduce themselves and highlight their NCC background, including the duration of their service, achievements, and positions held.

2. What motivated you to join the NCC and pursue a career in the armed forces?

This question assesses a candidate’s motivation and passion for a military career. Interviewing officers are keen to understand the driving force behind the candidate’s decision to serve in the armed forces.

3. Can you describe any challenging or memorable experiences from your NCC training or camps?

Candidates are expected to recount specific instances that demonstrate their ability to face challenges and overcome them. Sharing memorable experiences highlights their adaptability and resilience.

4. How do you think your NCC training has prepared you for a career in the armed forces?

This question requires candidates to connect the dots between their NCC training and the requirements of a military career. It showcases their self-awareness and understanding of the skills and values needed.

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how do they relate to a military career?

Here, candidates must candidly discuss their strengths and weaknesses and explain how they can use their strengths to excel in the armed forces while working on their weaknesses for self-improvement.

6. Describe a situation where you had to lead a team or take charge of a group. How did you handle it?

Leadership is a critical aspect of a military career. Candidates are expected to narrate a leadership experience from their NCC journey, highlighting their ability to make decisions and motivate a team.

7. How do you deal with stress and pressure in challenging situations?

The armed forces often operate in high-stress environments. Candidates must articulate their strategies for coping with stress and pressure, showcasing their mental resilience.

8. What is your understanding of leadership, and can you give an example of when you demonstrated effective leadership in NCC or elsewhere?

Candidates should define their concept of leadership and provide a concrete example illustrating their leadership qualities and abilities to inspire and guide others.

9. How do you handle conflicts or differences of opinion within a team?

Conflict resolution and teamwork are vital in the military. Candidates should discuss their approach to resolving conflicts and maintaining cohesion within a group.

10. What do you believe are the core values and qualities necessary for a successful career in the armed forces?

Candidates should list and elaborate on values like discipline, integrity, loyalty, and qualities like dedication, adaptability, and a sense of duty, emphasizing their alignment with these principles.

Here are some more questions:

  1. What are your short-term and long-term career goals within the armed forces?
  2. How do you stay physically fit and mentally prepared for the demands of a military career?
  3. What do you think is the role of discipline in the armed forces, and how do you practice it in your daily life?
  4. Can you discuss any current events or international issues that are relevant to the armed forces?
  5. Why did you choose a particular branch (Army, Navy, Air Force) of the armed forces, and how do you see yourself contributing in that branch?
  6. What is your understanding of the motto ‘Unity and Discipline’ in the NCC, and how does it apply to the armed forces?


The SSB interview is a comprehensive evaluation that seeks to identify individuals who possess the attributes required for a career in the Indian armed forces. NCC cadets, with their structured training and exposure to the military way of life, have a unique advantage. By thoroughly preparing for these common interview questions and sharing their NCC experiences effectively, candidates can showcase their potential and dedication to serving the nation. Remember, it’s not just the answers that matter but also the conviction, determination, and integrity with which they are delivered that make a lasting impression on the interviewing officers.

