What Is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

Future Officers Academy
Col. Rajvir Sharma
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2020

The Thematic Apperception Test is a type of projective test that involves describing ambiguous scenes. It was developed by psychologist Henry A. Murray and artist and lay psychoanalyst Christina D. Morgan during the 1930s.

Generally, 12 X Pictures Are Shown. Time To See /observe One Picture -30 Seconds And Time To Write One Story-04 Minute.

Test Is Based On Theory Of Construction Of Stories Around Ambiguous Pictures. Candidates Organise Material From His Own Personal Experiences, Partly The Stimulus He Receives And Partly His Association With Past Experience.

Characteristics Of The Story:

Certain Essential Elements Or Components Of A Good Story :

(a) The Hero

  • Each Story Must Have A Hero /chief Character With Whom The Writer Identifies.
  • Should Exhibit Qualities Of Armed Officer.
  • Should Act And Behave Like Normal Human Being And Not Like Superhero.

(b) Other Characters:

  • Who Help The Hero With Execution Of Task Undertaken By Him.

(C ) Situation In The Story :

  • What It Is?
  • What Events Led Up To It?
  • What Will Be Outcome Or Conclusion?

(d) Theme / Plot :

  • It Is An Attempt By Hero, Assisted By Other Characters To Organise The Story By Pooling All Resources To Successfully Solve The Issue /problem.
  • Plot Should Be Interesting, Clear, Realistic, Plausible And Original.
  • Should Be Self Pleasing And End Successfully.
  • Should Be Self Explanatory And Reader Should Not Remain In Doubt And Should Not Keep Guessing It.

Hints For Thematic Apperception Test (tat)

1. Observe The Picture Very Carefully And Try To Retain In Mind.

2. All Objects And Characters Have To Play Their Part In Story. Hence Allot Suitable Part To Them.

3. Quickly Analyse Situation Depicted For :

  • What Is The Situation Depicted In Picture?
  • What Event Led To It?
  • What Will Be The Outcome? Or How It Will Develop And Conclude?

4. Remember Three Essential Things And Do Justice To All Three :

  • Hero.
  • Plot.
  • Outcome.

5. Identify Yourself With Hero Or Chief Character. Story Should Bring Out Qualities Of An Officer Of Armed Forces. These Are :

  • Social Service, Team Spirit & Co-operation And Hardwork.
  • Spirit Of Understanding Risk And Facing Adventure.
  • Initiative And Drive.
  • Organising Ability And Leadership.

6. Theme / Plot Of Story Should Be Interesting And Plausible.

7. It Should Be Within Limit Of Normal Human Being. It Should Be Interesting But Normal Situation Should Be Created, And Hero Must Be Assisted By Other Characters.

8. Hero Should Be Able To Tackle The Situation And Resolve It To Best Of Capacity, leading To Logical And Happy Conclusion.

9. Time Limit -04 Minutes, Half-page /70–80 Words, Past Tense.

10. Do Not Write-title, Lesson Learnt /moral Of Story.

11. Do Not Write Memorised Story Which May Have Little Relation To Situation Depicted.

12. It Is Not Necessary To Mention About Everything You See In Picture.

13. You May Omit Anything Which You Think Superfluous.

14. Similarly, You May Include Anything Which May Appear In Picture And Help In Building Story.

15. Blank Picture: Write Story Of Your Imagination. You Have A Greater Opportunity To Show Flights Of Your Imagination.

