#2: Curiosity Cuppas

Louise Bloomfield
CoLab Dudley
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

Site-Specific and Participatory Theatre on the High Street

Over the last couple of weeks I have been inspired by the people I have met to explore all things site-specific theatre, participatory theatre, and theatre for social change! The connections I made on Twitter developed into wonderful conversations — Curiosity Cuppas — online, on our Virtual High Street, with theatre folk near and far.

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

It’s been nourishing to find and connect with theatre-makers who are open and kind enough to share their wisdom and experience. I have learnt new things, and consolidated things I already knew to be true through others’ experience and synergy of ideas, values and guiding principles. I have heard stories of participatory and site-specific theatre for social change in non-traditional performance spaces all over the place — in caravans, libraries, and prisons!

Photo by Drew Taylor on Unsplash

I’ve met some fantastic and interesting people. I am struck by their kindness, and their generosity with their time and wisdom. They have drawn my attention to others and shared links and research we need to know about. The network grows ever bigger! I hope we can stay in touch and begin to build a collective of people doing similar work across the UK, and perhaps find ways to work together in the future.

I’m excited that I have also discovered there are indeed local people who have talents and experience in theatre-making in Dudley. We knew there was an abundance of resources and gifts around us, but it was fantastic to actually meet them — albeit virtually!

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Honestly, sometimes connecting has felt a little scary. To share my learning and curiosity out loud, to expose myself to the wisdom and critique of the crowd, makes me vulnerable — but also brave. And the learning is worth it.

Thank you for everyone who has contributed their time and stories.

Lab Note #3 in this series will share all I have learnt so far.

Curiosity Cuppas continue over the next couple of weeks — and so does the detectorism! We welcome your curiosity, your reflections, and your ideas. Please get in touch if you’d like a cuppa and a chat about all things theatre!

