Creative Diversity — uncovering your creative identity

Lorna Prescott
CoLab Dudley
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2014
Photo of women at CoLab Exchange session

Everyone is creative!

In our recent CoLab Exchange session we considered creativity and why understanding more about it is crucial to collaboration. We used ideas from a free 6 week online course called Creativity, Innovation and Change to promote discussion.

In an introduction to Creative Diversity in the course, Kathryn Jablokow says:

Creative diversity is one of the most powerful and practical tools I know to help you understand an appreciate how people think, act and make decisions differently. We have to learn to collaborate, we don’t do it naturally. The principles of creative diversity will help you work with others more smoothly and effectively and at the same time make sure your ideas are being heard.

In the video below Kathryn presents and busts myths about creativity, such as: only some people are creative and only certain kinds of ideas are creative. She introduces 4 principles of Creative Diversity:

  • Creative Diversity Principle #1: All people are creative.
  • Creative Diversity Principle #2: Creativity is diverse.
  • Creative Diversity Principle #3: Creative diversity is described by four key variables (see below)
  • Creative Diversity Principle #4: There is no ideal kind of creativity

The four key variables of creative diversity are:

  • Creative level — your knowledge, skill and experience
  • Creative style — how you prefer to approach change
  • Motive — what motivates you to solve problems and bring about change
  • Opportunity — which opportunities interest and inspire you most

Have a look at the video to prompt thinking about your personal ‘flavour’ of creativity, which will help you to develop your own creative profile. Let us know what you think about the ideas in the video by clicking ‘leave a comment’ above, or tweeting us @colabdudley.



Lorna Prescott
CoLab Dudley

designing | learning | growing | network weaving | systems convening | instigator @colabdudley | Dudley CVS officer