Introducing Street Detectorism
Holly Doron and Jo Orchard-Webb
We have been having conversations with people interested in how people react and interact with their physical environment, and have pooled together different methods, tools and experiences to inform our thinking and experiments around what street detectorism could become. We are using this lab note as a design tool to gather all this thinking to enable doing, and to invite curious people along the journey with us.
What is street detectorism?
Detectorism is a made up word that encourages people to do the learning side of doing without being scared or switching off from research. It is to encourage the inner curiosity of everybody through doing fun and creative activities.
Detectorism is a form of continuous learning. It is a way of being curious in the world, paying attention to patterns at a range of scales, and experimenting with ways to reveal our collective insights (or what we call treasures) to inform our designs and actions. We capture detectorism treasure and feed it back into the learning and design process.
Detectorism in the wild is about embracing different ways of learning and knowing from people with different methods, disciplines, world-views and lived experiences. It is co-created with everyone but has some core components:
- Freely given data / treasure with informed consent
- Creates space or props for creativity and reflection
- Encourages curiosity
- Looks for patterns
- Shares learning openly
Being a detectorist is different to everyone. For Jo, it is about observing and experiencing an activity, taking treasure and putting it into a sorting hat (with our GUIDEing principles) to help spot patterns. We asked our Time Rebels what they thought their detectorist superpowers are:
- Being open and approachable
- Curiosity
- Collector of objects, stories, and snippets of information
- Listening, and encouraging others to listen
- Open-mindedness and avoiding judgement
- Conscientious attention to detail and looking for what’s missing and who can connect
- Looking, watching, and translating treasure into different visual ways to unearth new stories
- Enabler, creating the conditions for detectorising
- Throwing new knowledge into a situation for new sparks and connections
- Identifying probing questions that people don’t expect
We recognise a need to design shared learning approaches and experiences better suited to encouraging a town-wide culture of curiosity and experimentation. The learning, imagining and the action are interdependent. This multi-method, multi-discipline, and multiple-worldview approach seeks to make the lab insights more reflective of our complexity and diversity as natural beings. In being more reflective, we hope our insights will be more relatable, meaningful, and therefore more actionable.
Street detectorism is a branch of detectorism in the wild that we are developing to use all our senses to discover how people move, act, interact, socialise, and respond to Dudley High Street. Through collective observations and experiences, we hope to grow our awareness and understanding of our surroundings, and use this to inspire us and help us co-design High Street experiments in an informed and contextual way. We can then use our senses to fully take in any changes that our experiments cause, learn from them for future experiments, and share what we’ve discovered to make it easier for other people to do their own experiments.
Street detectorism is another way detectorism in the wild tries to socialise research for collective sense making and action. It is experiential; rooted in the space, place and people; it requires observation, listening and slowing down; and ultimately reimagining the purpose of the High Street.
Public Life Studies
In 2020, we started experimenting with Public Life Studies, an approach developed by architect Jan Gehl, in response to a High Street that doesn’t encourage assembly, interaction, connection, feelings of security or creative collaboration. We wanted to do this to:
- Encourage curiosity in the streetscape
- Collate maps and data needed by other stakeholders to affect change on the High St
- Inform and inspire alternative High St imaginaries
- Encourage interaction with strangers about those imaginaries and the barriers to them being realised
- Opportunities for creative and playful spin offs and collaborations
Why Public Life Studies?
Gehl sees public spaces as meeting places, he seeks to create spaces of assembly not dispersal; he explicitly links dimensions of space with sense of place and views these as in a reinforcing relationship.
Gehl encourages us to explore the relationship between the built environment and patterns of space use. He does this through the systematic documentation of the performance of urban space (e.g. levels of pedestrian flow, levels & length of stationary activity, observations of human contact and social interaction) and then analysing the factors that shape that performance (e.g. interaction with the weather, street furniture, building height, lighting, materials used, presence of interactive components, flow of transport, connection with transport hubs etc).
For Gehl, the urban landscape must be considered through the 5 human senses and experienced at the speed of walking. He focuses upon sustainability of materials and resources, the quality of shared spaces, security and pedestrian comfort. He looks to design for places of staying, stopping, lingering. He looks to design for multi-functional spaces, visibility, accessibility, density, active frontages, moving and stationary components and activities. His designs prioritise pedestrians.
Experimenting with PLS
Gehl created Public Life Tools for everyone to try in different places. In summer 2020, the CoLab team experimented with Gehl tools to help us learn how the High Street was changing, and how together we could create a safe and friendly High Street. We conducted Covid-safe experiments from behind our lab window, one lab team member at a time, separate and distanced. We want street detectorism to have a deeper, more relational interaction with the street environment and people.
Our summer findings were collated into documents and shared in our networks and widely online. We found these were mostly accessed by people in power and didn’t seem to contribute to changing cultures. Our subsequent conversations with our business neighbours around creating a safe and friendly High Street, using our research and findings, started to move more towards shifting perceptions of the street, but still at the surface of one part of the ecosystem. Street detectorism would seek to involve and share data with everyone in the street ecosystem to nurture agency, culture change, and the capacity to reimagine the High Street.
We more recently connected with the brilliant teams at Edinburgh Living Lab and New Practice to find out more about how they are exploring the Future of the High Street:
‘This project combines citizen engagement and co-design with urban data and research — to better understand and pilot two ‘tweaks’ that aim to help support the high street to become a more successful and liveable place as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. A toolkit of 6 possible ideas to tackle common high street challenges has been developed through digital co-design workshops with local businesses and other stakeholders from Gorgie/Dalry high street and Dalkeith town centre. Two ideas have been selected to be rapidly prototyped, piloted and evaluated on-site in June 2021.’
Jenny Elliot, a fellow self-confessed PLS enthusiast in the Edinburgh Living Lab team, has been meticulously testing Gehl tools through public life street assessments across Edinburgh, creatively adapting them, and generously sharing her findings and tools so others can do the same.
Jenny has explored how to make the process of carrying out public life street assessments easier: researchers receive training, and in Edinburgh Living Lab’s latest assessment, researchers used iPads to draw findings on layers over maps. Jenny also explored how to make the tools and data more visually accessible: one adaptation includes creating a colour wheel to share data gathered through Gehl’s 12 quality criteria:
Adapting Public Life Studies for Dudley High Street
Jenny has inspired us to consider what we can learn and adapt from Public Life Studies to prototype street detectorism bespoke to Dudley. To do this, we’ve returned to our GUIDEing principles to inform our design. Part of this includes prototyping street detectorism with curious people from the High Street during Do Fest.
One way of creating conditions for curiosity and experimentation is to share our process out loud. This lab note is a culmination of tools and ideas sparked from conversations with other members of the CoLab Dudley team, Time Rebels and Fellow Travellers in our ecosystem. This will catapult us into the prototyping stage.
Gehl talks about the importance of regular ‘registrations’ to gather data over time and to see the effects of any changes in a place. Edinburgh Living Lab are carrying out their street assessment before and after their High Street Tweaks. We will be prototyping tools with Time Rebels prior to DoFest for our first data gathering, and to co-evolve street detectorism as a creative experience that people from the High Street can dip into during DoFest.
All data is treasure and everyone has a detectorism super power. We are developing street detectorist activities that will welcome different types of street detectorists, and tap into all sorts of gifts in our ecosystem:
- Map enthusiasts
- Tick boxers
- Doodlers
- People watchers
- Chatters
- Counters
- Pattern finders
- Wanderers
- Listeners
- Gazers
The design of the activities have been inspired by Gehl and Edinburgh Living Lab, as well as:
Kevin Lynch — an urban planner who explored how people could use cognitive mapping to record how they understand their surroundings.
Larissa Fassler — an artist who creates maps with drawings, collage and notes of observations and conservations to explore how ‘places affect people, psychologically and physically, and in turn how people’s perception, understanding and use of place is physically manifest in the built environment that surrounds them.’
Christian Nold — an artist, designer and educator working to develop new participatory models for communal representation, including emotional cartography where people measure their emotions whilst walking around an area.
In addition to our activities and tools inspired by public life studies and cognitive and emotional mapping, we want to integrate nature within them, so street detectorists don’t see the urban realm and the people within it as separate from nature, but all as a whole.
Miles Richardson explores ‘nature connectedness’, and how we relate to and experience nature to improve mental health and encourage pro-environmental (or regenerative) behaviours. He developed a framework integrating biophilic design principles with the following pathways to nature connectedness:
Senses: Provide opportunities and prompts to notice and actively engage with nature through the senses. Simply listening to birdsong, smelling wildflowers, or watching the breeze in the trees.
Emotion: Provide opportunities and prompts to engage emotionally with nature. Spaces to notice and reflect on the good things in nature, to experience the joy and calm nature can bring. Provide opportunities to express and share feelings about nature with others.
Beauty: Provide opportunities and prompts to find beauty in the natural world. Create spaces and moments to appreciate beauty in nature and to engage with it through art, music or in words.
Meaning: Provide places to use and explore how nature brings meaning to life. How nature appears in songs and stories, poems and art. Provide spaces to celebrate nature.
Compassion: Provide opportunities and prompts to care for nature. Spaces to take action for nature, such as creating homes for nature or planting insect friendly plants.
We have also drawn inspiration from permaculture design (the design of self-sufficient ecosystems) methods of observation.
Street detectorist tools and activities will try to:
- Be multisensory and celebrate the different gifts that street detectorists bring
- Enable active and passive experiences — some street detectorists will want to talk to people on the street, others will want to draw from their own interactions and experience of the High Street, others will want to watch from a stationary spot.
- Be multiperspective, inviting people with different perspectives to carry out observations and to consider different perspectives, including sight lines and experiences of a child or someone using a wheelchair.
- Look for patterns — watching daily, seasonal and yearly cycles.
- Look for relationships e.g. getting to know weeds to find out about the soil, availability of water and microclimate in different areas; spotting creatures, their habitats and tracks.
- Look for the historical context and what changes have been made to give us a long view and recognise relative permanence.
- Consider what effects changes have on our neighbours, including plants and animals.
Recognition of patterns, relationships and historic and future contexts ties in with our principles to ‘be good ancestors’ and ‘join the dots’.
In line with public life studies, we want street detectorism to capture the High Street purpose, aesthetic, functionality and use, but move away from ahistorical work by layering this with deep time e.g. geology, the industrial revolution, the British empire.
We can try to bring these layers and range of data together in relationship with the rest of the ecosystem to help us reveal patterns and insights that inform our journey to a kinder, more creative and connected High Street.
“Warm data” is information about the interrelationships that integrate elements of a complex system… In order to interface with any complex system without disrupting the circuitry of the interdependencies that give it its integrity we must look at the spread of relationships that make the system robust. Using only analysis of statistical data will offer conclusions that can point to actions that are out of sync with the complexity of the situation. Information without interrationality is likely to lead us toward actions that are misinformed, thereby creating further destructive patterns. The International Bateson Institute
These insights will help to inform future experiments rooted in historical and future contexts, and help us to avoid short term or ahistorical quick solutions.
We want to avoid street detectorism becoming transactional or passive, for both the process and what we do with data/treasure.
For the process, the street detectorists’ experiences of collecting and sharing data is as important (if not more) than the contents of the data. Street detectorists will already have a relationship with Dudley High Street — they will be of the place, rather than detached researchers or drop-in professionals. We will avoid asking street detectorists to collect personal data or to make assumptions on people’s ethnicity, gender or age. Some of the street detectorism tools and activities we are developing will invite people of the High Street to connect with strangers. The street detectorists can gift their findings to a co-created map in our Observatory to see how they are embedded within a collective effort to understand the High Street.
For analysing and sharing the data, we have been inspired by Giorgia Lupi’s Data Humanism manifesto, which calls for a move away from impersonal, extractive and infallible data to more human, imperfect and contextual data.
Lupi ‘sketches with data’ to ‘discover what is unique about the numbers at hand’. Below is a year-long project between Lupi and Stefanie Posavec for which the two designers documented data about themselves around shared topics onto postcards that they sent to each other across the Atlantic:
Detectorism in the wild is about different ways of seeing, knowing, and sharing. Street detectorists will be invited to humanise their data in ways that celebrate their gifts and talents e.g. through sketching, collage, spoken word and movement.
We want to create opportunities for people to build generous and trusting relationships, so we will invite new street detectorism enthusiasts to connect through using our tools and activities whenever they like, sharing their findings in the lab or online, and coming together to humanise each other’s data.
We will be prototyping street detectorism during Do Fest Dudley, a 3-day open festival curated by CoLab Dudley inviting the people of the town to get involved in some hands on doing and making. Time Rebels will be inviting people to journey on an adventure to the future, bringing forgotten and unloved spaces and places to life, sharing stories and mementos which reveal hidden histories of Dudley and being super-curious about where we might find and generate dreams.
We are inviting locals to experiment with street detectorist tools and activities while Time Rebel activities take place along the High Street. Collective data will be shared in our observatory on a map of Dudley High Street throughout the festival. If you’re curious and would like to have a go, visit our website for times to pop into the lab space.