First ever Makers Market at Foss

Colby Echo
The Colby Echo
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2019

by Ethan Schuler

This Friday, May 4, Colby will be hosting the Makers Market, an event with student art, food, and live music. The event will be at Foss Dining Hall from 1 to 4 p.m., and artists at the event will be selling items including bread, pottery, photography, lip gloss, mouse pads, clothing, and poetry.

Kacey LaBonte ’19, who initially had the idea for the event, told the Echo that the thought first came from her interests in cooking and pottery, and her desire to share that with others on the Colby campus. It also came from her interest in seeing more of the other creative products Colby students make. “It started because I spend so much time cooking, baking, and making pottery and absolutely love doing these things,” LaBonte said. “But there aren’t many spaces to share what I make here on campus outside of my apartment and with my friends. While they are always super grateful and willing to shovel down my food and admire my pottery, I know that there are so many other talented artists and makers at Colby who exist and create beautiful things even if they don’t major in art.”

LaBonte added that she believes the campus is “overflowing with creativity” and that she wanted Colby to have more opportunities for students to share their passions. It was also a chance for students to make connections with those who have similar interests, and hopefully make money from the sales. As a result, she reached out to SGA and planned the event.

The Makers Market, in addition to all the student work, will also have live music. Performers will include Grant A. Santos ’19, President of the Colby Eight, playing piano and vocals, as well as fiddle and banjo by Abby Gracey ’19 and friends, and vocals by Emily Goulette ’19. For any other students interesting in performing music, the mic will be open for some of the event, and people are welcome to play.

When discussing the future of the event, LaBonte said that she hopes to find other students interesting in taking over the event after she graduates this year. “I think it’d be so lovely if this could become a monthly event here at Colby,” LaBonte said, “but I’ll be graduating soon and I’m looking for an interested student to keep the Makers Market alive.” She encourages any students interested in working on the project in the future to contact her at

