Senior Spotlight: Sophie Stokes Cerkvenik ‘19

Colby Echo
The Colby Echo
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2019

by Ed Powell

Following her win the 100 meter hurdles at the NESCAC Championships this weekend, the Echo sits down with senior Colby track star Sophie Stokes Cerkvenik to reflect on her time at Colby.

Colby Echo (Echo): How did it feel to win the 100 meter hurdle NESCAC title in your final collegiate season?

Sophie Stokes Cerkvenik (SSC): I came in second in this race at NESCACs last year, so it felt really good to come out with a win senior year! It was exciting to win and know that I helped score points for my team.

Echo: How would you say this program has grown over your four years here?

SSC: I would say that the Track and Field program has been getting more competitive over my four years here, especially in the sprint and jumps group. For example, my freshmen and sophomore years, I was one of the only female hurdlers in the program and now we have around six and are ranked in the top five teams for hurdle event groups in Division III.

Echo: How would you say this program has fostered your own growth as a student-athlete or a person, if at all?

SSC: Honestly, being a student-athlete on the track team here has definitely helped me to further develop time management skills and discipline. We have morning practice at 6:30 almost everyday and in season we are traveling and competing every week, so it’s important to be on top of everything. Besides that, the program at Colby has really helped me grow in a lot of ways — because of it, I feel strong, capable, and more confident — after getting through some of those workouts, you really feel like you can get through anything.

Echo: What is your favorite Colby Track and Field-related memory?

SSC: I have so many! It’ll be hard to pick just one. One of my all-time favorites though has to be when our 4x4 qualified for Indoor Nationals my sophomore year. There’s nothing better than when you have a goal and a shared mindset with your teammates to accomplish something huge. It really requires you to put it all out there on the track, not just for you but for your teammates as well. Of course winning the 100 hurdles at Outdoor Nationals last year is a memory I’ll never forget, and getting to share that with my coach knowing we both worked so hard to achieve it is a memory very close to my heart. And, all the fun moments spent with my wonderful teammates throughout the years both on and off the track.

Echo: If you could send a message to your first-year self, what would you want to say?

SSC: If I could tell my freshman self anything, it would be to one, get more sleep! And two, that the best thing about work is that it only asks for a little bit more. And that I would understand what that really means one day.

Echo: As a whole, what has Colby Track and Field meant to you?

SSC: It has meant so much to me! I have met some of my favorite people in the world because of Colby Track, and being a part of this team has been a huge part of my identity at Colby. It has helped me find a place to learn, grow, and really feel like a part of something. It’s so cool when Colby Track alumni reach out because of things the team is accomplishing, and you feel like a part of the legacy, you want to do well and you want it to continue once you’re gone.

Echo: Finally, do you have anything you want to say to the current and future Colby Track and Field members out there?

SSC: I guess if I were to tell them anything it would be to be competitive, trust in Coach Cusano’s training, and have fun. Don’t be afraid to care, because once you admit that, something amazing might happen.

