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Back to Square One

Cold Brew Blogs
Published in
Feb 18, 2022


She gazed at me asserting herself
As my whole world came crashing in.
The life, completely drained,
The jovial, positive shell crumbled.

I reassured things are going to be okay,
For a smile worth a white lie.
“How did this happen?” I wondered,
Taking another step back.

For a moment there was regret in speaking too soon,
As feelings were better left unshared.
And at that moment it was crystal clear,
I have burned, pined and perished.

With a broken heart and a weary soul,
I glanced around for a glimmer of hope.
But all I found was solitude,
To befriend and to take refuge.



Cold Brew Blogs

Writer, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Musician || Couch and potato are my two favourite things. https://ramblingjoint.com/featured/home