Being Single in Your Thirties

Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Alright, picture this: I am chilling out, vibing to a romantic tune like I always do. But this time, something hits me square in the feels. It is like a light bulb flickers on in my brain, illuminating a truth I had not fully grasped before.

You know how while listening to those love songs, there is always someone who pops into your head? Whether it is an ex, a crush, or just some random cutie you saw on the metro, there is always a face to match the melody. Well, not for me anymore. Nope, it is just me and the music, no romantic entanglements in sight.

And you know what? It is kind of liberating.

I haven’t been on a date in three years. I am staring down the barrel of thirty-three, and my dating life in my thirties is pretty much nonexistent. It does not sound great especially when everybody my age are either getting married and having babies (or getting divorced). But here is the thing: I am cool with it.

See, I have reached this point where being single feels… right. It is not about dodging relationships or anything like that. It is just that I have come to value other things more — like family and career. Sure, there is the occasional side-eye from well-meaning relatives wondering when I will “settle down,” but I am in no rush.

And let me tell you, being single in your thirties comes with its own set of challenges. There are moments when you wonder if you are missing out, if there is something wrong with you for not being coupled up like everyone else. But then you remember: this is my journey, and I am owning it.

Sure, there are days when I feel a twinge of loneliness, when I wonder what it would be like to have someone to share my life with. But then I remember the amazing thing about flying solo — not having to answer to anyone (mostly).

Let us be real here, making connections from scratch and nurturing them into relationships is not an easy task when you are in your thirties. I mean, I am not left with the energy to put myself out there, to go through the whole circus of dating, when I am already juggling a career, family, and just trying to keep my sanity intact?

And speaking of sanity, let us talk about the exhaustion that comes with previous relationships. I am talking about the kind of tiredness that seeps into your bones, that makes you question if it is even worth it to try again. But you know what? It is worth it — to invest in myself, to heal from past wounds, and to rediscover my own worth.

So yeah, being single in my thirties is not always rainbows and sunshine. But it is also not the end of the world. It is a chance to focus on me, to figure out what I want out of life without anyone else’s expectations weighing me down.

And who knows? Maybe love will come knocking on my door when I least expect it. Or maybe it won’t, and that is okay, too. Because at the end of the day, I am learning to love myself — and that is the most important relationship of all.

Cheers to those who are single and happy in their thirties!

PS: Run by Canyon City



Cold Brew Blogs

Writer, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Musician || Couch and potato are my two favourite things.