Photo by NASA on Unsplash


Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2024


There was a time when we were inseparable, our lives intertwined like the contours of a single landmass. We shared everything — our dreams, our secrets, our laughter echoing like the wind across familiar terrain. We moved together, side by side, as if nothing could ever come between us.

But then, almost imperceptibly, things began to change. Life shifted in ways we couldn’t fully grasp, and gradually, like the slow drift of continents, we started to move apart. It wasn’t sudden or dramatic — just a missed call, a few words left unsaid, the spaces between our meetings growing wider.

We didn’t notice at first, didn’t see the distance that was quietly stretching between us. Our lives began to take on different shapes, molded by new experiences, responsibilities, and choices that led us down separate paths. The connection that once felt effortless now required more effort, the conversations that used to flow so naturally becoming more occasional, more guarded.

The world around us changed, and we adapted, each in our own way. But somewhere along the way, we found ourselves on different sides of a growing expanse, the connection still there but more like an echo of what once was. The moments we once shared so easily now feel like memories of a distant past as if we’re each navigating our own terrain, aware of the other’s existence but no longer side by side.

It’s not that the bond is broken — more that it’s stretched, thinned by time and distance. We still carry the imprints of those shared moments within us, but we’ve drifted, our lives now on different courses, shaped by different currents.

The drift is subtle, almost invisible until one day you look up and realize just how far you’ve moved. The connection, though still present, feels like it’s across a vast, quiet ocean, the shores of our friendship now distant, yet still cherished. We may never be as close as we once were, but the memories of when our lives were one remain, a reminder of the time when we stood together before the gentle drift of life carried us apart.



Cold Brew Blogs

Writer, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Musician || Couch and potato are my two favourite things.