Does a Baseball Bat Hold the Key To Finding Henry Bedard’s Killer?

Police believe etchings on the murder weapon may identify the person responsible for the teen’s brutal death.

Jenn Baxter
Mysteries of Crime


Henry Bedard Jr. (Photo credit:

Henry Bedard raced out of Swampscott High School in Swampscott, Massachusetts as soon as the final bell rang on Monday, December 16, 1974. The 15-year-old headed straight for the CVS Pharmacy in downtown Swampscott’s Vinnin Square to drop off some film to be developed. While he was there, Henry browsed through the store for a little while and decided to buy a bottle of perfume to give to his sister for Christmas. He left CVS around 3:00 pm but never made it back to his house.

Henry’s parents, Henry and Gloria Bedard, started to get worried when he wasn’t home in time to eat dinner at 5:30 pm. They called around to some of his friends but no one had any idea where the teenager could be. Along with neighbors and some of Henry’s friends, his parents spent the next several hours searching the area for any sign of their son. By 9:00 pm, it was raining heavily and everyone feared something terrible had happened to Henry. They called the Swampscott Police Department and reported Henry missing.

Swampscott was a small town where everyone knew each other. It wasn’t the sort of place where anyone expected a…



Jenn Baxter
Mysteries of Crime

Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Her books are available on Amazon.