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7 Supplements You Should Take Everyday to Fuel Long-Lasting Health

A happy life starts with a healthy diet

Jonah Malin
7 min readJun 21, 2020


I think we can all agree that life gets busy sometimes.

Amidst mornings consumed by work and a variety of tasks, it’s easy to lose track of time and subsequently, your nutrition. Luckily, the rise of health-conscious shoppers has sparked growth in the supplement industry, making healthy decisions a little bit easier.

The only problem is, a lot of people don’t really know why they are taking a supplement and how to use it effectively with trends, diet fads, and idealistic views of health often dominating discussions rather than science and research.

Every product is backed by a clever marketing team and every influencer boasting about their favorite nutrition line is making a commission. Beyond that, there’s the question of which supplements work and if there are any safety concerns.

Now, what we do know, is that there is no single pill we can take to check off every category of health. Instead, we have to find a combination of compounds that work together to strengthen our mind and body in sustainable ways.

I have spent the last couple of years researching and testing different products to effectively supplement my diet and workout routine…



Jonah Malin

Words that perform like Joaquin, sing like Celine, get remembered like Dean, & ooze tigers blood like Sheen.